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  1. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    Well, Virginia is warmer at this time of year. Here in WI, we'll have 1 day that's just constant snowfall, and the next will be everything melting in 40F weather, until it SNOWS the next day. It's pretty annoying and definitely not the right conditions for chicks. Most breeders here don't get...
  2. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    Ok good, so I can tell the difference! Thanks so much, everybody! I've been waiting since August for polish chicks and still won't be able to get them until early April since it won't be warm enough and plus my mill won't have them until then.
  3. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    So I can see the girl has more fluff, right? And I'm curious to why it wouldn't work with golden laced. I want at least 1 buff laced so would it work with them? And if not, why?
  4. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    I love those names! I call their 'hair' afros since before I entered the chicken world, I went to the state fair and always saw Polish since they're a popular breed for showing. I've loved them since I was a kid, and I'm so excited for them in Spring! We got our chickens (2 barred rocks, 2 buff...
  5. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    I was laughing so hard because that's such a perfect name, 'poof', for a polish chicken! :lau Thanks so much for the advice! I bookmarked the website and saved the picture. I just hope they ship in girls since it's a special order for my mill and they just take as many as I want. :fl
  6. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    Oh well that's good. But for a first-time polish owner should I rely on the head-fluff method?
  7. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    Thanks so much for that link! I do see the difference and I'm really happy there is SOMEWAY to tell!! Now hopefully my local mill will let me pick them out :idunno
  8. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    Yeah I asked the 4-H people in my county and they said wings can really only be done by professional.
  9. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    I’m getting a few polish chicks to add to my flock but nobody local sells sexed polish. I want all girls since roosters will just be given away. What are signs for polish when they are 1-3 days old? I’ve heard of something with the wings but I also heard that every breed is different. I’m...
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