Sexing Polish Chicks


5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I’m getting a few polish chicks to add to my flock but nobody local sells sexed polish. I want all girls since roosters will just be given away. What are signs for polish when they are 1-3 days old? I’ve heard of something with the wings but I also heard that every breed is different. I’m thinking of getting at least 1 buff laced polish.
Any help is appreciated!
I think personally the Poof works better for polish than any other methods I have seen done on them so yes I think it is
I was laughing so hard because that's such a perfect name, 'poof', for a polish chicken! :lau
Thanks so much for the advice! I bookmarked the website and saved the picture. I just hope they ship in girls since it's a special order for my mill and they just take as many as I want. :fl

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