sexing chicks

  1. R

    Sexing/identifying 5wk quail chick

    Hello! I am hoping for some help sexing this 5 week old coturnix chick. It may be too early but I’m hoping to make some coop decisions soon as I’m going out of town. I’m hoping someone with more experience may have some insight. He/she was hatched from mixed coturnix eggs so I don’t know much...
  2. S

    Sexing Chicks!

    Hello This is only my second batch of chicks that i had to raise. For my previous Batch all of them were Delaware's so i had no issue identifying the roo almost immediately. However this is my second Batch of chicks. I had purchased them as pullets. However There is a problem. My smallest...
  3. C

    Silkies roosters??

    They look like roos to me can anyone confirm? 9 weeks old. Chick 1 Chick 2
  4. Bamteaching

    This is a boy, isn’t he? 🤦🏻‍♀️

    I hatched 3 chicks and I am watching this one (named Hope, possibly switching to Howard) 4weeks old tomorrow…painted front legs but the waddle at the top looks a bit red….thoughts?
  5. saving grace

    My Horrid Cockerel to Pullet Ratio

    Just want to take a quick sec to rant about how HORRIBLE my pullet-to-cockerel ratio is! :he In my first batch of 20 hatchery chicks, only 7 were pullets (and one was eaten by a neighbor's dog. :hit) My batch of 10 hatchery ducks only had 2 hens (and one of them doesn't lay, so basically one...
  6. BlessedChaosHomestead

    Everyone’s fav game: What sex is this one?!

    Help me out, please! 8wk old Polish Almost 4wk old grey maran Almost 4wk old Easter Egger I'm unsure on how to tell with an EE bc their combs are different. (Pea combs?)
  7. Chikpeas

    4 week chicks - Pullets?

    So I have three 4 week old chicks (exactly 28 days today), one barred rock (Owl), one sapphire gem (Cinder), and one buff orpington (Daisy). The orpington I'm not concerned about, as I'm about 99% certain she's a pullet. The barred rock I vacillated on for a while due to temperament and a more...
  8. Nicci0110

    10 week old Rhode Island Reds

    Help me sex my 2 rhode island reds please
  9. TheBirdBabe

    The ever dreaded question.. hen or roo?

    Hello y'all! 👋🏻 The last full week of September (about 7 weeks ago) I purchased a few chicks. Well, I say a few, my husband says a "significant" amount. 🤭 I got 3 blue stars, 3 Buff orpingtons & 7 lavender orpingtons! Said chicks are obviously getting bigger & growing at a ridiculous rate...
  10. LiizardWiitch

    Help me guess sexes

    I know its a little earlier to determine roos or pullets 100% but I'm very excited about my chicks and would love any insights on genders to help determine who I can keep. The parents are blue plymouth rock (hen) x crested cream legbar (roo) and we are sitting at about 2 weeks old 1. Suspected...
  11. Qui1980

    Help with Breed ID on my little nuggets please!!☺️

    I bought these cuties and was told one was a jersey giant, and the others maybe EE and BYM. I’m newer to chickens, actually wondering if you could help Id who is what and then potentially let me the the potential breeds of the x’s? One more thing lol… if anyone knows approx age that would be...
  12. spruett386

    BCM Chick development, male vs female

    Ok, so I've got these two, 4wk old fancy bcms. I am half convinced one is a cockerel and the other is a pullet. The thing is the one who looks and behaves like a pullet is quite bigger than the "cockerel". The "cockerel" is way feistier and more challenging to my other isbar cockerels. Also...
  13. M

    Sexing my 4 day old chicks

    Hi all, I am quite new to the whole world of chicks! and I have just hatched my first two chicks from an incubator. They are two different breeds: a copper maran and a cream legebar. Any tips on how to sex them - I will attatch some photos of them. The first three pictures are the cream...
  14. B

    Barred Rock Roo’s?

    Pretty sure I know the answer but always good to get another’s opinion. They’re almost 5 weeks old but have pretty prominent bright combs and wattles already coming in. One seems to be getting more tail feathers like my buff orpington ladies. One cockerel we can handle but two I’m sure will lead...
  15. B

    Barred rock roo’s ?

    These two are only about five weeks old but the comb and wattles are both pretty prominent already. One seems to have their tail feathers coming in like my two buff Orpington pullets. Anyone else want to take a look and give their opinion. One rooster we can manage but two I worry we will run...
  16. D

    Sexing Polish chicks

    I just got my first polish chicks today. They are ten days old. Any guesses on sex?
  17. wolf-deer88

    Sexing 3-4 week old Satin chicks

    I'm not sure when exactly Satins can be sexed. It's kinda hard to see though the wire, I apologize for that. If I need to take better pictures, let me know. Thanks in advance!
  18. M

    What sex and breed are my chicks

    Hi, I was wondering what breed and sex these two are ? We think they may be barnevelders!
  19. urbanhomestead_jenn

    More chick sexing - would love your opinions!

    Hello 👋🏼 I have 6 chicks hatched May 28/29 - now 7 weeks old in these pictures. I’m still unsure of the sex on a few of them. Would appreciate your input! These are a mix of Easter/Olive eggers and black copper marans. These are the two I’m suspecting are cockerels. The black one for sure, the...
  20. M

    Roo or pullet!?!

    Hey everyone!! So I totally got shafted on my new flock...I literally feel 8 out of 10 are males and we are only hoping for layers. This one is definitely one of the largest in the bunch, but isn't challenging like the others (however there is so much testosterone he may just be weaker..)...
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