sexing chicks

  1. nszrmch

    Sexing 12 week old chickens?

    I have four chicks at about 12 weeks that I need help sexing! Black and white is Ancona, yellow is Buff Brahma, larger grey is Blue Australorp and smaller grey is Blue Andalusian. Ive read that ancona’s have larger combs but other than that I have no idea as we’ve never had these breeds before...
  2. B

    3 Week Old Chick Sexing: 2 D’uccles, 1 Polish

    Hi all, BEFORE YOU TELL ME I already know these things: 1. Polish chicken are difficult to sex 2. They all are probably too young (I will update at 6 weeks, I heard that’s the best time for D’uccles) 3. Some of the pics are blurry I APOLOGIZE Anyway here’s the deal ***The chicks are...
  3. Sexing Polish Chickens... the development of the surprise Rooster

    Sexing Polish Chickens... the development of the surprise Rooster

    As a very green, inexperienced Polish Chicken (or any chicken) owner, I hoped to find someone's photographic progression of their chicks to help me determine sex or at least more accurately guess their sex as they developed. We got 3 Polish chicks that were approximately 3-4 weeks old, with one...
  4. WhatAboutBob?

    2 week old chick - Pullet or Roo? What do you think?

    Here is the single survivor of my very young broody pullet's first attempt at raising chicks. 3 out of 4 eggs hatched, one was a dud. 2 didn't survive the first night. Here is the survivor. This chick is a GLW/EE cross. Below are pics and video of the chick. Not that I am expecting a...
  5. Phoebus

    Do I Have A Roo Here? LOOK at These Baby Beaks!

    My darling niece brought me six little Easter Eggers from Rural King, all supposedly pullets, but look at these beak pictures. This is Music, Little Wing and Woodstock. They look pretty much the same to me except the last one, LoRain. 'Rain has a little, three-point crown at the top of...
  6. BantamAshley

    Silkie with straight comb? Help sexing!

    This is a 6 week old silkie that I suspect is a rooster. Included is a current picture of its comb developement. Is there any chance he may still be a she? Thank you!
  7. BantamAshley

    Help Sexing! 5/wk-old silkie w/comb.

    I have Two 5/wk old silkies. A white, and a partridge. I am remaining hopeful that the partridge is a pullet, but what do y’all silkie experts think about the started comb development on the white one? Thank you very much for your time.
  8. BantamAshley

    Help! sexing 6/wk Sultan w/comb

    this is a six week old sultan that is starting to have some comb development. I am assuming that it is going to be a roo, could I be wrong? Do the pullets develope combs as well? Thanks!
  9. BantamAshley

    Help sexing blue bearded Belgian d’anver.

    i have a 3 week old blue belgian bearded d'anver. Would anyone with experience with this breed be able to tell me what traits I can start to look for in determining the sex? I understand he may be to young right now, but I’d just like to know what I can keep an eye out for, as I have found...
  10. BantamAshley

    Help. Sexing Turken.

    I have a 4 week old turken, that is probably to young to sex, but do any experienced Turken folk have any advice on what I could be looking out for as it grows in determining the sex? At what age can you typically tell with Turkens? What do you look out for first? Thank you!
  11. BantamAshley

    Help sexing. confirm pullets.

    I am trying to determine the sex of two 6-week old chicks. I have an old English game (the lighter) and a Golden sebright. (The darker) I think that they are both pullets, though this is my first time raising chicks, so I can’t be to confident. Any input would be very appreciated! Thanks so much.
  12. BantamAshley

    Help! belgian bearded d'anver Sexing

    i have a 3 week old blue belgian bearded d'anver. Would anyone with experience with this breed be able to tell me what traits I can start to look for in determining the sex? I understand he may be to young right now, but I’d just like to know what I can keep an eye out for, as I have found...
  13. BantamAshley

    Help! Modern Game Bantam Sexing.

    Are there any willing members who are familiar with rearing modern games, who may be willing to offer any advice or input? This is a 3 week old blue/black modern game bantam. It’s comb is quite pronounced, with some redness. I’m wondering if it is a roo, or if this comb development is typical in...
  14. BantamAshley

    Help, Easter Egger A Roo or pullet?

    this is a 4 week old Easter Egger Bantam that has been acting like a roo since hatch, but now we are actually thinking that it is a Pullet, as there is no sign of a comb. Are there any experienced EE gurus in the house who could offer some much appreciated input? Thank you!
  15. BantamAshley

    Help, Easter Egger A Roo or pullet?

    this is a 4 week old Easter Egger Bantam that has been acting like a roo since hatch, but now we are actually thinking that it is a Pullet, as there is no sign of a comb. Are there any experienced EE gurus in the house who could offer some much appreciated input? Thank you!
  16. BantamAshley

    Help, Is This Cochin A Rooster?

    Experienced Cochin advice would be very much appreciated. This is Bo-Bo, my 4 week old Blue Cochin Bantam. He is my favorite chick and naturally the first one to start showing all of the tell tail signs of being a roo. :( His feather growth, comb, and personality all seem to point to roo. Is...
  17. Theladiesandagentleman

    Sexing my Golden Neck D'uccle

    Will Daisy be able to keep her name? She is our four-week old D'uccle. I hope the photos might point someone in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any educated guesses.
  18. nszrmch

    Trying to sex chick, any suggestions?

    Hello! This is my first post here, I hope I'm in the right place. Early February my parents and I got 5 little baby chicks. Now that the oldest is just about 5 weeks old, I was hoping I could get help determining whether or not 'she's' a 'he'. Breed is black sex link. I know that 5 weeks is...
  19. Joeschooks

    Sex of Wheaten Marans Chicks

    I posted a couple of pics of my two Wheaten Marans chicks a week or two ago. They’ve feathered slightly more now and they’re almost 4 weeks old. I’ve never raised this breed before but judging by the size of their combs I think I have two roos. But one is a lot lighter than the other which gives...
  20. heartsandwings

    Sexing 5 wk old Barred Rocks & Wyandottes

    I have 4-5 week old chicks (4 barred Plymouth rocks and 1 blue gold laced Wyandotte) They came sexed but it isn't 100% so I have been trying to figure it out myself. I had 2 wyandottes but one (Milly) passed away. Wyandottes are one of my favourite breeds so I really hope my remaining...
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