sexing chicks

  1. Gaurdian Minifarm

    Issue with Hatching Sex-Linked Chicks, Rhode Island Red Rooster, White Leghorn Hen, AllWhite Chicks

    We are trying to produce our own Golden Comet type production layers. To do this, we purchased Rhode Island Red roosters and White Leghorn hens. We have had two hatches so far and have only had white chicks hatch. Has anyone else tried this? From what we understand, this means we have all males...
  2. ChickenGirl555

    Sexing Polish Chicks

    I’m getting a few polish chicks to add to my flock but nobody local sells sexed polish. I want all girls since roosters will just be given away. What are signs for polish when they are 1-3 days old? I’ve heard of something with the wings but I also heard that every breed is different. I’m...
  3. W


    Hello. I am a new member to backyard chickens. However, over the last three years I have begun raising chickens and have come here REPEATEDLY for information for everything from: 1) Chicken behavior - my hubby bought a flock of chicks that were supposed to be pullets and after a few weeks we...
  4. PerthRidgeFarm

    Sexing Easter Egger Chicks??

    Chick 1 Chick 2chick 2 chick1/chick2 Chick 1 Hey everybody, I just hatched my first chicks from my backyard flock. Only two hatched and I’m having trouble figuring out if they’re roosters or pullets. Although I have my suspicions, I wanted a second opinion. I’ll post some pictures of the two...
  5. AshleighEve

    Hello from Australia, help sexing pretty please!

    Hi! One of my friends chickens was broody so I purchased 6 eggs to place under her, when hatching time came only one hatched :( I then purchased an assortment of baby chicks which she accepted for a few days then rejected 2, I ended up taking these home and raising them in my house. They have...
  6. Marynnaaa

    sexing silkie chicks

    Ok so I know you can't know for sure if silkie chicks are boys or girls but I just want some ideas. So I had two of my own chicks and they are two weeks old but they are quite larger from the 2-week olds that I bought. The ones that I bought are silkie frizzles and the ones I had just are just...
  7. C

    Guess their sex!

    Francesca ( speckled Sussex) and Henrietta ( buff brahma) are my sons two big girls. We got them from a feed store that said they were hens with 90% accuracy. They are 7+ weeks old now. Henrietta had the two layers of wing feathers when she was a baby chick ( though I'm not sure if that's a good...
  8. L

    Is this a pullet? Opinions?

    “Her” name is Jelly Bean and she’s five months old. One-quarter Silver Phoenix, otherwise a mutt for generations back (bantam/barnyard). “She” had two siblings that were obviously male, whom we’ve already rehomed. We don’t have room for another rooster. She looks like a girl to me, but her...
  9. MamaHen11

    Light Sussex sexing

    I’m saying cockerel for this one: And pullet here: Definitely would prefer one of each so we can see the eating aspect of a slow growing heritage breed, but the hens are so pretty!
  10. L

    Pullets or Roos?? 3 Breeds

    Hi - Any feedback to help sex these guys/gals is appreciated. I'm a first timer, and I have 9 birds I got from a breeder. 3 Ameraucana (1 blue) (2 black)-4 wks 3 Black Copper Maran- 5 wks old 3 Olive Eggers (Maran/Cream Legbar cross)- 4 weeks old 1 - Maran, the largest, feathered early...
  11. Dr Peckenstein

    Sexing my one month old Seramas

    Teeny we believe is the hen, possibly. Tiny we believe is the Roo ^ I received these one month old Serama chicks from a local breeder and we believe one is a roo and the other is not but I am not sure anymore! I am just looking on opinions and best guesses! Thank You so much!
  12. Maddy10122

    Do I have a rooster or just a different breed?

    First time having chickens and ducks. They are coming up on 3mo. 3 ducks and 4 chickens, and after stumbling across this website I have come to realize one of my ducks is a male (which is not a big deal because he's pretty quiet) but I am fearing one of my chicks could be as well. I live in the...
  13. Mountain Bird

    Need help with my flock!

    I ordered an all female batch of day-olds from McMurray. Well, now they're approximately 13 weeks old and I'm definitely seeing the differences. I didn't have trouble telling the sex of my Speckled Sussex girls, but the Silver Laced Wyandottes are all over the place (or so they are to me). I'm...
  14. Rewynned

    Polish rooster? Please say no!

    My husband is convinced that Miss Polly is a rooster. She is almost 12 weeks old and is doing the morning crowing. We've heard hens crow on YouTube so I'm still holding out some hope. Her waddle is very red, though, and feathers are not so round as our other breed hens. I don't know if a Polish...
  15. Sara anderson

    Peachicks gender help!!

    We are new at the peachick thing but have loved it!! We have 3-7 week old peachicks, 1- 2 week old and 4 hatching in 8 days!! I'm trying to sex the 3 7 week olds and could use some help! I've watched the YouTube videos on how to tell but I see there are more experts here!! Can anyone tell me...
  16. Sarena

    Pullet or Roos?

    These are my five week old Serama chicks. I was told they are a bit young to tell but maybe someone can give it a shot? There are only two with multiple pics of each one. Is it possible to do feather sexing with this breed?
  17. A

    bumps on leg = rooster.

    I have a 1+ month old ameraucana chick that has developed small bumps on it's legs where i assume spurs would form. Is this a sure sign it is a rooster? I have a 90% guarantee of hens from the hatchery and can return a rooster but I am bonded to this chick and its hatch mates. I'm not sure what...
  18. SweetEvngBreeze

    Feather Sexing Chicks - Calling all Experts

    I've never started a thread before so bear with me. I would like this thread to be one where folks can post pics of their chicks' feathers for the purpose of feather sexing. Just like the other "What Breed Or Gender is This?" threads, but dedicated just to feather sexing of the day old (or so)...
  19. D

    Rhode Island Reds or Buckeyes?

    These pullets are about 10 weeks old, and 2 were supposed to be Reds and 2 were supposed to be Buckeyes. However, after looking up pictures of what the adult version of these breeds are supposed to look like, I am not so sure I know which chick is which breed anymore. Also, is the Barred Rock a...
  20. P

    what sex are our chickens?

    I have a class of early years children and would like to know the sex of our chicks that are now four weeks old. Can you help?
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