sexing chicks

  1. marke77

    Pullets or cockerels

    Hi! My frizzle silkie is 13 weeks. No crowing but I'm wondering if it's a cockerel the two white ones are about 9 weeks old and are constantly going at each other's with chest bumps
  2. SugarRush

    Ameraucana sexing at 6 weeks?

    I have 14 Ameraucana chicks that are around 6 weeks. Maybe closer to 7 by now. I'm getting some mixed answers about what I am looking for to start to sex them. Am I right that the longer tails are pullets and shorter are cockerels? Some with the longer tails seem to have bigger, three row...
  3. NicolleJean

    Can Anyone Help Sex These Chicks?

    Looking to pick up a chick for my broody hen. Can anyone tell me by the feathering if there is a chance any of these are female? These chicks are less than a week old if that helps.
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