sexing chicks

  1. K

    5 - 5 week olds- Hen or Roo?

    Hello! I have my first batch of babies from a broody hen. It was an exciting experience. I have a feeling I have one Roo... but could there be more? These babies are about 5 weeks. They are a cross of olive egger and black Maran Thanks for your help! 😊
  2. B

    Ladies or Gents? 4-6weeks old, no idea what sex

    Hello!!! Our first ever chickens and we know nothing at all about sexing chicks. Lol. We were told all were hens, but the two isabels were too young to guess. There are 6 of these little cuties, each photo is a different chick. Can you help us guess as to what we have? We aren’t allowed...
  3. A

    Sexing Silkie Chicks

    Hello, anyone have an idea how to sex silkie chicks ? Is it possible to sex them by looking at their combs? These chicks are from 5-6 days old. Thank you.
  4. cloverhs

    Bantam EE Chicks Sexing Tips?

    I have three bantam EE chicks from Ideal Poultry that are two weeks old now and they're all identical (eyeliner-ed and "chipmunk"-y, as people say), and they started feathering at like three days old and faster than all our other bantam chicks, all three easter eggers feathered at the same speed...
  5. EmilyEnns

    pullets or cockerels?

    i have a total of 15 chicks including purebred playmouth barred rock and BCM and two little EEs (so i’ve been told). They are 7 weeks old and starting to grow combs and waddles i’m guessing i have 8 pullets and 7 cockerels! what do you see?
  6. Oldhallchicks

    Feather sexing light (Isabella) brahmas

    We have two Isabella Brahma chicks with distinctly different feathers on their wings. I think one might be a cockerel and one a pullet. Any thoughts on which is which?
  7. Fromchickenswithlove

    Is she actually a roo?

    We have two chicks we got as day-olds, they are both supposedly female. One is bigger than her sister and has different markings and darker beak. I wonder if some of her neck feathers also look pointed? Would be grateful if anyone can shed any light! Thank you x
  8. mandymcg05

    6.5 week old BR chicks- help me sex!

    Gotta love straight runs. Amiright?! :hit I’m 99.9% sure I have 4 Roos and 2 pullets. Husband doubts me. Men. Pffhh lol. What do y’all think? I have them numbered and pics are the best I could get. They’ll be 7 weeks on Monday! I tried to get good pics of their faces and their tails. They...
  9. N

    Sexing Cuckoo Maran and Ameraucanas

    Hello, I have always purchased Hens that were just starting to lay. This is our first time with getting day old chicks. We are getting Cuckoo Marans and Ameraucanas. For both breeds what do I look for in sexing without using the vent? I am not experienced enough so will not try for safety of...
  10. Lorraine Forster

    Feather sexing

    I have 4, almost 3 week old, Mille Fleurs d'Uccle chicks. I have attached photos of their wings in hope someone out there will be able to take an educated guess at their sex. Beige feathers #1 Dark feathers #2 White feathers #3 Beige tipped feathers #4
  11. joydix

    help with sexing bantam cochins

    maybe wrong forum and just unclear how to post but here goes....i have two different ages of bantam cochins. can anyone help with sexing. the combs look def. PINK in sunlight...doesnt show so much in these pics tho....these pics are what i was SURE was cockerel but now not sure. HE/SHE does not...
  12. B

    Help sexing my 6 week old australorps?

    Hey guys, First post here. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give. 🙂 Got these little darlings as unsexed day olds. Now going on 6 weeks and hoping I can tell gender by wattle and comb development. I'm thinking mostly pullets??
  13. KsKingBee

    Distingushing sex on India Blue chicks

    Momma, daughter, son. To distinguish hen chicks from cock chicks look at the breast feathers. Hens have a scallop where cocks have a verticle line in the middle of their feathers. Also, notice the wings of the hen chick is losing the barring and looks plain compared to the cock. The cock is...
  14. C

    Sexing Day Old Barred Cochin Chicks?

    Hello, BYC fam! I have hatched out a singleton barred cochin chick, and I am praying the baby is a girl. Can these guys be sexed by head spots? I can't find any conclusive info so I came to the best place to ask! :) Thank you in advance!
  15. Ericapd

    New to raising chickens!

    Hello everyone! I received these chicks from another school when they were about a week old. I brought them to my classroom and have made a coop for them at home. I am trying to sex them and will need to give the roos away. I have found a place for them to go to, a farm near where I live. Do you...
  16. hhouck514

    What sex is my Japanese Bantam?

    I hope you can help sex Quintin, the Japanese Bantam.
  17. BrahmaMom1797

    Rooster or Hen?

    I have a lovely little Silkie/Sebright mix who is confusing me just a bit. The look of the bird is more rooster like, but personality is a little more hen like plus no crowing. I’d just like a bit of help with confirming. I am beginning to believe that the bird is a rooster due to their look but...
  18. K

    Sexing 10 week old chicks

    Can anyone help me sex these 10 week old chicks please, I'm aware that it's not exact at this age, but any chance of a speculation would be greatly appreciated.
  19. MiBirds

    What Gender are These?

    Hey guys, I got four chickens yesterday at this somewhat sketchy place, but anyway, the man we bought them from told us they were pullets, which is what we wanted. We were expecting them to be much older so we would KNOW that they were girls, but they're way younger than we expected. Could you...
  20. K

    Okay any chance anyone can help me sex these 4 week old chicks?

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