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  1. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Blue Ridge Mountains in NC to central AL
  2. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    @Tonyroo im hatching my shipped eggs in the Feb hatch-a-long. So far I’ve pulled 3- 2 early quitters & 1 non starter. I’m keeping an eye on 2 but the rest are bouncing around great. I’m on day 9
  3. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Yes I’m excited for the next hatch. I got a better incubator so I’m 🙏 🤞 the Feb hatch will be better. Maybe God just wanted my flock’s genetics more diversified instead of all my chicks having the same rooster 🤷‍♀️ 😂
  4. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Toes are straight. She’s still a bit wobbly & kind of bobbles around
  5. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Noodle (chick 2) has made a huge improvement. She’s still not as strong as Nugget but she’s finally standing & walking more. She’s been eating some mash & drinking vitamin water. I also got them a heat plate last night instead of the heat lamp. They seem to be enjoying it. My total is 2/16 😔
  6. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    You’re giving me hope for this other little one. She’s all fluffed up now so we moved her to the brooder but she’s still just laying around unless I pick her up. When I pick her up she tries to get out of my hand. I hope that’s a good sign. All of my girls had been laying since October (the...
  7. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Such cuties 💕 I’m glad your hatch has gone better than mine. It’s looking like 1 out of 16 for me. The backwards chick isn’t moving around much just sleeping in the middle of the incubator. The other chick that was still working on hatching had blood start oozing from the safety hole. I pulled...
  8. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    The backwards chick is finally out! She just finished hatching a few mins ago & made her way to the middle of the incubator for a nap 😂 We still have 1 more left to hatch. We had another dis & another died shortly after hatch. I’m not sure what went wrong with the 2nd dis unless it was just the...
  9. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    This one dis & looks kind of deformed. I’m not even sure how this baby survived to lockdown. I have 1 that is half way out & 3 still just chillin like they have no desire to come out of their shells. Day 22 ETA the one that is halfway out I’ve been assisting due to it being positioned wrong...
  10. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Little Nugget is still going strong but unfortunately she’s alone in the brooder right now. Chick 2 didn’t make it & the other 5 are still working on hatching
  11. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Congrats! Your little babies are so cute 🥰
  12. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    The 2nd chick is still working on escape
  13. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    After realizing the first was shrink wrapped we decided to check the others. They all looked shrink wrapped & this baby was trying to pip so we helped a little & made a hole big enough to lightly spritz them all. All seem to be moving & trying to break out now
  14. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Hubs woke up & told me she pipped last night before he went to bed. We pulled her out & assisted a little. Her membrane was Definitely too dry we put her back in to finish pushing off her shell
  15. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I’m so paranoid I’ve killed these chicks with my humidity issues. Still nothing more than that 1 pip. That egg is from my banty who went broody back in Oct. we let her keep 1 egg, it pipped & died in shell. Since that happened with her previous egg should I pull a little shell off this one &...
  16. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    We have our first pip! But the humidity dropped to 30% overnight. I’m not sure if I should open it to add more water or not 😬
  17. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Thank you. It is. Mini chick brand. It was kind of an emergency purchase. 8 of our chickens were killed by a neighbor’s dog. A couple days after we decided to hatch the eggs we had from them. Being right after Christmas our misc budget was a little low. I’m just hoping we get a few of their...
  18. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    So far it’s maintained 65% today. The air cells looked a little large so I added a little more water this morning. Before it was 30%. Days 1-13 we maintained 35-40% dry it was day 14 where we started having humidity issues. It would drop to 20% I would add a folded damp paper towel & it would...
  19. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Out of 16 only 7 made it to lockdown. 🙏 these 7 babies make it. I’ve been having trouble with humidity this week. No matter what I’ve done I cannot get it stable. For lockdown should I add extra water & let it run high until some evaporates?
  20. Bananer86

    Jan. 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Sending positive hatching vibes your way 💕
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