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  1. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    It could have been trying to pip out the wrong end, or internally pipped and got malpositioned and couldn't breathe and died. No telling until you do an eggtopsy. I've only done a couple, but I basically followed the instructions in the Assisted Hatching article to create a safety hole on the...
  2. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I went to candle my last egg, and it was entirely dark. Then I realized it had externally pipped and I had missed it - I was staring at a poking out piece of shell while holding the egg in my hand thinking "what's that? Oh! it's a pip!". So I put that egg back in the incubator really fast...
  3. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    FYI, for anyone who is wondering, prior to setting them I sprayed all my eggs off with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) until they were dripping, and used a microfiber cloth to scrub off any dirt while they were wet, and rinsed with H2O2 as needed. Then I let them air dry on plate on a paper towel...
  4. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    So the final count - 20 babies out of 24 set eggs!!! All 24 set eggs were fertile. (Kudos to my rooster!) One stopped developing after Day 13 or 16, two didn't finish growing after they visibly looked like a chicken, and one had to be culled after a successful (unassisted) hatch due to...
  5. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Chick cuteness!!! 17 of the 18 babies are in the picture (one was still drying in the incubator). Also a few closeups. The one that was supposed to hatch yesterday died in the shell, so that would be my second dead in the shell for this hatch. It was fully formed (?) but 1/3 the proper size...
  6. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    What do you mean by pattern? Game camera is definitely on the list, but the chicken budget is out of funds for a bit, so I have to wait.
  7. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Good luck on those coyotes! Last cold snap we had I came out to at least 20+ small holes all around my open air coop/run. The fox had been working all night, but couldn't get through the 3 ft hardware cloth apron. Made me real nervous though, at least one of the holes was right at the edge...
  8. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Update, the one that had not pipped externally died sometime in the past week. The baby was 2/3 the proper size. I did a safety hole, and saw a lot of black liquid and a few gold feathers. Just wasn't right, so I did an eggtopsy, and have no guilt for throwing it out, cause it was already...
  9. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Two eggs of 20 are left, 1 of them has not pipped externally. The remaining egg that has pipped is coming out the narrow end. Crossing my fingers! In Day 21 now. Had to cull one of the chicks right after hatching - a lot of organs were still on the outside, and there was just no way to fix...
  10. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Almost all of the eggs have externally pipped. Chick 14 is dried out along with Chick 5 (dark gray), so I've moved them to the brooder because chick 14 was pecking Chick 3. 14 and 5 hatched sometime after midnight last night. Chicks 3 and 8 have hatched now too. Here's a pic of 14 and 5.
  11. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    First chick (#14) hatched today at 6:30 pm!!!! So exciting!!! It is a RIR/production red x SGE cross, mainly yellow down with caramel across the shoulders and on the wings (I think, it's not quite dry yet) The single comb is pressed sideways. Its head is the size of my finger. #14 is...
  12. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Thank you!!! That gives me some good ideas!
  13. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I think I'm going to have to do this. Can you post pictures of your brooder? It's the first time I'll have brooded in an XL dog crate, and I'm really stressing about how to keep the chicks and wood shavings in the crate and not all over my garage. I'm starting in large tubs, but they'll...
  14. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Hatch Progress: So I had one egg quit sometime between day 13 and day 19 (?), and now am down to 23 eggs. I did an eggtopsy on the quitter and found an eye spot, and two main gelatinous masses, sized like a head and body, with hints of a spinal column. No features or feathers or bones, all...
  15. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Could you guys take a look at my home-made still air incubator and let me know what you think, mainly if you think this will work and how to improve it? Since I have a staggered hatch (due to being totally new at incubating I put in one egg 3 days after the others, and one egg 8 days after the...
  16. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    That's a great idea! Maybe I can jurry rig something with my reptile heat strip and temperature controller. It's pretty high powered heat strip and kept my crabs at 89F consistently with ease. I just got so excited because the day after I loaded the incubator I positively identified which...
  17. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    So, I just realized I could have an issue. Could really use you guys' input. Background: I have a Nurture Right 360 incubator and this is my first hatch. The Nurture Right has spots for 22 eggs, and auto rotates them. I double checked the temp with my reptile thermometer and it was right on...
  18. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Thanks for your advice! I can do that. I made a note of it and put it back in the incubator. I figured obvious self-movement inside the egg meant it was alive, but if it doesn't move on its own that I can see, I'm kinda guessing based on photos folks have posted. Crossing my fingers and...
  19. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Candled yesterday (Day 13 for most of the eggs) and for some eggs I am seeing body parts, like legs and beaks, and they squirm a bit when I stick them over the candler. I know human babies don't like light. I suspect the bright light from the candler is bothering the chicks, so they squirm...
  20. FunClucks

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Incubator eggs!!! 9 days to go!!! Starting weights range from 51-67g. Colors are wonky but you can see size and shape. lightest eggs and ones on top are light blue. There's 4-5 green tinted blue, then the Starlight green egger eggs that look olivey brown in this picture but are really a...
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