January 2023 Hatch-a-long

I have eggs set that should hatch Jan 3. I did add some in about 3 days later so should hatch around Jan 6.
Mine are due January 2nd. We have 2 of our EE/white longhorn crosses and got 4 polish and 6 silkie eggs from Craigslist local. Just candles them for the first time and 11/12 are fertile. We are so excited as this is our first hatch. After much research, I decided to wash our eggs with peroxide and do a dry (considering we are in SWFL) incubation. Not convinced that 70% humidity is necessary for hatching yet. Still researching. How is everyone else doing their hatches???
I don't wash. I did try to wash a couple from the last hatch I did as they were pretty dirty, but not sure if any of those developed or not. These are eggs someone else gave me to hatch for him. They were much cleaner this time so I didn't wash.

I incubate around 45% and bump it to 65% for lockdown and hatch
I checked my eggs today. Some are on day 7 some day 3.5. There are 18 that are developing. I left 4 others since I had spaces for them. I don't think there was anything but they weren't as clear of a no so figured I would wait. Still happy with 18. The guy gave me 24 the first time but 2 looked like they may have had cracks so I didn't set those. Then he gave 8 more. So 18/32 started. His EE eggs don't seem to be fertilized for some reason since both times none have started.
I don't add a cold egg to already developing eggs. I do warm up eggs a day to add, some times.

This Jan. I plan on getting a rooster, (Hopefully NOT a black rooster, or a barred rooster) I want to breed a few of my hens. I have enough black chickens though.
The rooster thing may or may not happen, I think I will just order more eggs, and breed later.
I plan on ordering
3 BCM (I like this breed, and want to add a few more.)
2 blue orpington.( I have 2 adult birds. The price of the egg seemed right.)
3 Frizzles. (I currently have 2.)
2 black sumatra. (I have had them as chicks, they seem friendly.)
2 BO (I don't have any.)
2 LO (I liked the price, I don't currently have any.)
2 OE (I like surprises, and I don't know how the eggs will turn out.)
2 buck eye (I like how they are cold hearty)
3 Blue andelusians (I hope they are blue, that is why I am buying 3, I don't have any currently.)
2 welsummers (I currently have 2 one is laying, the other one is too young. The laying one has brown egg no spots, I am hoping for spots.)
1 white rock, because I have no white chickens.
24 total.
You mind if I join? My step-father set two full incubators of eggs- 1 chicken, 1 duck/turkey, but I’m candling the eggs(mostly because I enjoy it a bunch, but also because i’m much better at it than him) and will be keeping track of the growth. They’ve already been set but will hatch in January.

Today was day 5? for each one, and all of the chicken eggs had signs of growth, save for one that looked questionable and 3 green eggs I couldn’t peek through. All the turkey eggs had the same little spot of embryo growth but 2/3 of the duck eggs appeared to have no growth and looked completely clear. I plan to candle them again in a week.

The chickens will be barnyard mixes, but the turkeys are all chocolate and the ducks are white pekin.

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