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  1. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Thanks for answering, I completely understand. Something wasn't right if they weren't eating.
  2. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    If you don't mind me asking, what was wrong with the 3 you needed to cull? I thought 2 were shrink wrapped, but was there something else wrong? Just asking for educational (mine) purposes. That little black one is so cute!!!! My olive eggers were small like that because they came from pullet...
  3. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Yay! So glad your stargazer is better and that the lonely chick now has friends!
  4. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    U Uh oh, the stargazer doesn't have wry neck does it?! Or was it just the picture?
  5. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Can you tell you pullet vs cockerel chicks apart? I saw something where the lady was saying that barred chick females have a more defined head spot and males are lighter and have a longer and more diffused spot. Do you see that with Dominiques?
  6. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Early. I had one like that and it was a cockerel. Out of the three in that hatch it was the least nice. He was the one you can see down in the left corner. The other two on the bar were cockerels too. Seemed to like being up on the bar where they could watch what was going on. Another FCM...
  7. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    She's beautiful! Maybe she is just a throwback to a slower developing heritage type.
  8. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I think as humans we are, generally, wired to try to make things better but we don't always understand what is truly better in nature. Sometimes better is to let nature take its course but it is so HARD to do that. I'm guilty of intervening myself, especially if I think my actions had some...
  9. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Poor thing is going to be lonely until the next ones hatch. Any chicks at your local farm store you can add to give her company? Mine usually has some this time of year.
  10. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Here's hoping that your late bloomer makes it!
  11. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    That's a really great mix, and so nice of them to list it all out for you so you can try to track what's what (as in down to the size of the COL egg being smaller). I kept a shard of my eggs and took a picture of each chick with it to try to match chick/egg to adult/egg. (Of course I only had...
  12. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Maybe you will get some early hatching on Sunday! Excited for you! Yeah, I understand that divorce joke. Boyfriend tried to decree no chicks this year. We'll see how that works out. I figure I can soften him up by fall. 🐣🐤
  13. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Wow! Those are so different!!! I wondered at the gene pool because if the roosters were not barred and the hens were, the ones with the spots would be cockerels. If they both are, then it is different and I'd guess that the one with the light diffused spot might be a cockerel and the ones...
  14. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I'm a novice but if you think they are just getting wetter I'd either remove the water from the incubator tray or take them out and put them in the brooder under a heat source to dry there (I took mine out and they were fine, Brinsea incubator too). They will cheap at you if they are...
  15. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Haha! You mean like this? Or this I totally would but didn't end up with fertile eggs so I'm just living...
  16. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Me too! I like the variety so I can tell who is laying.
  17. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Instead of a Hatch-a-long a Grow-a-long!
  18. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Yeah, my boyfriend's friend that I got my fertile eggs from last time wasn't all that enlightening when I tried to find out what breeds of chickens he has (I don't think he pays that much attention) and what they lay so I could figure out the parentage. It was a bit fun trying to figure it out...
  19. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Love it! I look forward to seeing the posts! I did that with a fall hatch of mine, trying to figure out which were pullets and which were cockerels. The girls from that hatch are just starting to lay, which is exciting too. One I gave away lays a pretty cream colored egg, the two I kept lay...
  20. Backyard Divas

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I'm sorry! I hope the other one makes it!
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