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  1. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I've got two birds I moved with the pullets that I'm really not sure about, and two I kept with the cockerels that are in question as well. The two maybe-pullets have almost no comb at all yet, and no spiky saddle feathers, but a few of the tail feathers are a bit pointier than their sisters...
  2. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I haven't been to this thread in so long! My "Barbeque" group were hatched in early March - 13 boys and 16 girls, mixed backyard mutts. (I've hatched in February, March, April, and May this year.) The girls were successfully integrated into the big flock about a month ago, and doing fine...
  3. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    My *guess* is cockerel, but only due to the tail feathers. I could be wrong.
  4. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I'd get it off while she's still wet, even applying a warm, wet paper towel to that wing to soften it. You can wrap her up with it in a warm washcloth so she doesn't chill while it's soaking. Then peel it off, and pop her back into the incubator to dry off.
  5. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Congratulations, Dad!!!
  6. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I posted an update with pics a little while ago, on this thread, back on page 60
  7. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Here's an update on my chick with the brillo-like down on his back. Did I post about him in this thread? I don't remember! Anyway, he was one of the last to hatch on Sunday. He and three others had a very hard time. One died overnight, but the others are doing FINE. This one chick is very, very...
  8. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Yes, that's it. I don't count clears because they were never fertilized in the first place and would be impossible for them to develop anything. They just shouldn't count at all. I just fill the incubators, then at the first candling I remove the clears, and what's left is my starting number...
  9. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Welp folks, I'm done with the March hatch! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy Of 38 fertilized eggs, I ended up with 30 beautiful baby chicks. Only one died late, during zip. The other seven were quitters. That's 79% hatch rate. Not as worthy as my most recent 100% hatch, but...
  10. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Lost a chick, first one from this batch. It died while zipping. It pipped about 15-16 hours ago, and was halfway through the zip, doing fine I thought. Came back an hour later to check, and it was dead. Just stopped zipping. Fully formed, in the right position, no deformities I can see. Darn...
  11. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Mine are ALL barnyard mixes. Parent and grandparent breeds are Black Australorp, RIR, BPR, and a bit of EE, Ameracauna, and Leghorn. The black chicks from my hatches generally turn out to be barred or solid black. This group is likely all from one rooster I call "Goldie", who is black with a...
  12. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Here's my clutch so far! I just love hatch day! We're more than halfway there..... 17 Beautiful, healthy babies so far..... 2 more drying off in the incubator, 10 more pipped, and 6 taking their sweet time to join the party.
  13. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I'm 6 pages behind, and no, I'm not gonna go back and read every one. BUT..... The RACE is ON! First egg pipped at 7am this morning, and hatched out before noon!!! Only 3 others (of 35 total) had even pipped by that time. Poor little thing is all alone in the brooder. Right now, I've got 16 more...
  14. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Are we hatching buddies, maybe? I locked down yesterday, too. Hatch date Mar. 4th, Saturday.
  15. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Yeah.... I lost that chick in #7 egg with the humongous air cell and 28% weight loss. It was a quitter probably about Day 13 or 14. Candling tonight, I found it had a distinct large black blob on one side of the shell.... none of the other 35 eggs had that. And you can see how much the air cell...
  16. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I've got one like that, but the air cell is huge. It's Day 16 and that egg has lost about 28% weight. I'll candle tonight and see if it's still viable. Very strange.
  17. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    It's both Day 7 and Day 8. I'll explain... Today is still Day 7, until the same time tonight that you set them last week. Then begins Day 8. It will be Day 8 up until the same time tomorrow night, then starts Day 9. It's not the calendar day you set the eggs that matters, but how much time has...
  18. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I could be wrong, but as I understand it, the turning is to prevent them from cutting off blood flow and to prevent getting stuck in one position. Right? or is this wrong? If I'm right, then you shouldn't worry. At this point, they're still just a blastodisc and there's nothing to get stuck...
  19. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I'd recommend that you hold off candling the first time until they are on Day 4 or 5. They are very fragile during the first few days, and it's hard to see much that's *definite* so early anyway. By Day 5, you should easily be able to see the "clears" and take them out. Anything else in question...
  20. BarnyardChaos

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Imagine the stress if you'd ordered live chicks. Now take a few slow, deep breaths and count your blessings. Fertilized eggs are still viable up to two weeks (even up to a month, but not as much) after being laid. As long as they're not exposed to incubation temps, they'll wait.
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