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  1. MochaChickMama

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Oh thank you so much, this is beyond stressful! It never quite looked right when candling but I’m new and it’s a dark welsummer egg. I didn’t expect it to get this far at all. And they keep pecking at it which makes me go all mama bear. I did move out the 4 biggest ones that were all dried off...
  2. MochaChickMama

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    This one pipped around midnight last night and finally made a decent hole. But it looks brown inside and I don’t have a good feeling this is normal since the other 8 hatched beautifully with white membranes I believe. Anything I should do? 😕 I do see it’s still moving.
  3. MochaChickMama

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Awesome thank you! And thank you @Canadian Wind! Funny thing to report, we have one that was stamped as a barred rock and I’m preeeetty sure this golden sweetie is not one 😂 Maybe White Plymouth? Who knows, let the guessing games begin. Five have hatched out though!
  4. MochaChickMama

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I’ve almost joined this thread 3 times and stopped because I’m just nervous for our first incubation! We set 14 to be due today on my birthday. 🥰 3 were not fertile (is that normal from shipped hatchery eggs?) - 1 quitter - 10 went to lockdown. Our darker eggs were questionable so we left them...
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