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  1. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Good news, the little chickie I helped hatch on day 24/25 went out to the brooder just now! She is not as strong as the others but looking pretty darn good. I am going to eggtopsy the remaining eggs to see if I can tell when they may have died. Some I couldn’t see into well enough so I left them...
  2. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Update on my late bloomer - no progress overnight so I decided to investigate before turning off the incubator. I heard chirping immediately when I opened it and figured I should at least see if it's just trapped in there. It definitely was, she looks formed properly and all but as I was peeling...
  3. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I’ve not seen a vertical line, either. Is it possible it’s like a blood spot in the yolk? I’ve noticed it from time to time when cracking eggs for eating. This seems like it would be sorta big in comparison, though.
  4. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Do you have any inkling as to how long it may have taken to pass? I am almost tempted to open it up just to cull. :( I have no problem dealing with the grown birds but the chicks are always hard, even if they’re ugly wet things still. Lol
  5. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    No real progress on the one that had been trying to zip yesterday. I am not sure how to handle this. I try to have a "no helping" policy but when it's more or less my fault there's a problem, I feel obligated to help. Any time I have helped, despite waiting at least 24 hours from when they try...
  6. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Guys, I seriously have one trying to zip. At the start of day 24. The one that pipped further down on the egg, not totally the wrong end so maybe the air cell has just shrunk that much. I don't have high hopes that it will make it but I'm going to wait overnight before I do anything. This hatch...
  7. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    It’s been exactly the same for us. We recently had a heat wave and then a rain and it was 70 something overnight followed by plunging into the 40s. Today is a high in the 50s. Just so crazy. We are in a mobile home so possibly more susceptible to humidity flux than a stick built home, but I know...
  8. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I have a total of 17 out in the brooder tractor out of 31 that made it to lockdown. I have two more that got shrinkwrapped including the one that pipped the wrong end so I had to help them this morning and they have yuck that has hardened all over them so I will have to try to remove that at...
  9. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I would leave it! They will figure it out. Think of how it would be in a nest box with a broody. :)
  10. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Well I've got one pipped toward the bottom, my 5yo actually noticed it first! It is taking its sweet time, which I understand is typically the case. I am afraid it's going to get cemented in there because the hole is quite large with a lot of membrane exposed, much larger than a normal external...
  11. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Woke up with 11 total hatched, 1 zipping, and 1 pip that I’m able to see. Out of 31…I am hoping the action will continue into this evening at least. The temps must just have been slightly too low since we are at day 22 as of last night. I think. I always get messed up when counting but I set...
  12. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    If I can’t tell, I just let it be for an extra day. If by day 22 I don’t see an internal pip when candling or obvious movement, I turn the machine off and leave it be for a day or two. I cannot bring myself to throw them out or open them up until they are positively dead but I don’t normally...
  13. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I always joke that it’s like Christmas! But I am ready for it to be over after a few days, it can be stressful.
  14. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Tuckered out little cheeps. Lol I’ve got a total of 6 out now and a handful of pips.
  15. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Second one is out now, still just the one pip left. I candled the incubator that hasn’t seen any action yet and I’ve got one with a lot of movement and two with internal pips so I’m holding out hope still that I’ll get *something* out of each set of these eggs. I didn’t open the mesh bags since...
  16. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Yes, there’s always a couple that are a day or two early, and I always let the stragglers go for an extra day. I think I had one guy on day 23 so I try to give it time. I have to wonder if this is due to inconsistent temps or something else I could address. My toddler woke me up about 10...
  17. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Two pips! Phew! Hoping to have these two out by morning. I hear chirping, too. :)
  18. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    That's awesome! Nothing for me still and I'm sorta freaking out. I didn't see nearly as much movement when candling and I just used a food thermometer to check through one of the vent holes and I think my temp has been too low. They are definitely developing but I have to wonder if I damaged...
  19. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    Having trouble with quotes here, but nothing for me just yet either! I agree that incubator plays a lot into it. :)
  20. pinewoodacres

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    What day are you on again? I think your hatch day is same as mine, Friday the 17th, IIRC. I use a spray bottle to mist inside during lockdown/hatching and close it right away, that helps temporarily. I personally don't go that high on humidity because I don't want to risk drowning or having that...
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