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  1. koko365

    baby chick brought to my back door

    Thank you for replying. I'm going to try the crate inside the coop, but that won't be until a few more weeks down the road. That's providing my being able to get the crate into the narrow coop door, else it might be a bird-cage size confinement when the time comes. I got frustrated with this...
  2. koko365

    baby chick brought to my back door

    Thanks! I was concerned about that wild hen. She would come to my yard every day to visit the chickens in my coop and thought she had taken a fancy to my rooster. She often slept in a tree above the coop, but then she would go away for a couple of days then come back off and on...and then low...
  3. koko365

    baby chick brought to my back door

    Thank you so very much for your reply. Pumpkin is easy to pick up but she prefers to perch on my hand ... always concerned she'll jump off into the dogs face, so I try to use two fingers as sort of a leash on both sides of her neck. This wild rooster gets very quiet/silent whenever the opossums...
  4. koko365

    baby chick brought to my back door

    Has anyone read my post today? I feel like no one is actually reading or replying to my question. I want to get this young 5-week old chicken to eventually live in the coop with my other birds. Do I wait until it is full-grown?
  5. koko365

    baby chick brought to my back door

    I live in a city. Law says I can have 4 hens. I have 4, although one turned out to be a rooster. They are 11 months old living totally enclosed with a house and a coop and they share a giant basket for laying eggs - which I have plenty. Usually have 5 eggs every two days! ... now, about this chick?
  6. koko365

    baby chick brought to my back door

    hello again. Baby chick is now named Pumpkin. It's doing well...getting big. It's maybe 5 weeks old. It's living in a 25inch wide by 17 inch depth by 22inch tall small animal cage in my house. It gets good crumbles and treats and grit and about an hour per day of hugging and patting and some...
  7. koko365

    baby chick brought to my back door

    hello, two little boys around 8 years old came to my back door yesterday with a baby chick that might be a few days old at most. I put it in a bird cage in my kitchen last night, but now I don't know what to do with it. It peeps non-stop except if I hold it. I do have crumbled tiny chicken food...
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