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  1. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Yeah. Wouldn’t worry about frostbite. Worry instead about what yummy shrubs you can plant for them. I planted honey berries and I think next year they may be mature enough to fruit. I am thinking the chickens are going to live sheltering under them and gobbling them up!
  2. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Right. And you are somewhere in the South I think so I suspect you don’t get super cold spells. I am in NJ in zone 6 (if you are a gardener that will mean something to you) and I don’t really worry about frostbite.
  3. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I will never be able to find the link but someone on BYC had a cover design for comb hats. I think as long as you have good ventilation you don’t really need to worry about frostbite except in very extreme climates.
  4. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    You do know it is tree bark right?
  5. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    What do you call cinnamon?!
  6. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Because :drool:drool:drool
  7. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I mean it would be cruel to leave it there without a little taste so it knows it is loved.
  8. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    OK. All this talk of ice cream. I have a tub of chocolate salted caramel that is just begging for a taste test!
  9. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    OK. Then yes. I am weird. I think most of the US is in your camp on those. I always have to dodge cinnamon in the oddest of places if I eat out!
  10. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Which? The coffee or the cinnamon?
  11. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Nope. I do like left over dinner for breakfast - but I think lots of people do. I really am very boring.
  12. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Hmmm. I think I am too boring! I definitely don’t have any food weirdness. I will eat pretty much anything. Well, I really don’t like cinnamon which in this country seems unusual - but that is just a dislike, not a weirdness. Hmmm. I can’t stand the after taste of coffee so I never drink it...
  13. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Try freezing it when it is hot out. Frozen yoghurt can easily be pecked - it isn’t solid like and ice cube.
  14. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I freeze pots of fruit and chicken feed in yoghurt. They love it.
  15. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I think you will be surprised how well they cope. But I get it. I always worry too!
  16. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    You are doing all the right things. I hose down the dirt in the shade which makes it cool and give them frozen treats. Panting is how they stay cool. I think you just have to watch them - if they start looking listless or stop drinking I might bring them in. But most likely they will be fine...
  17. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I recognize the Chunky Black breed. This is Tassels, a good example of the breed.
  18. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Now that really is a sign of being a crazy chicken person. We are all obsessed with poop!
  19. RoyalChick

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I hope it isn't offensive - I didn't know a better way to describe it.
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