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  1. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    i now have 2 pullets that are laying!! one august 3rd, 17 weeks and 3 days. and the other today, aguast 6th, at 17 weeks and 6 days.
  2. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    WOW i haven't been on here for a long time!!! @butch good- I put my chicks out to the coop soon after. :D they were fine, and they are now almost four months old!!!!!
  3. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    Hey sam! how are your chickens doing?
  4. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    mine LOVE scrambled eggs.....
  5. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    We are moving them out today! (either that or tuesday)
  6. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    on wednesday i took them out for the first time and they LOVED IT!
  7. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    when i saw this, i had to laugh....This is what i have been saying all along, but now i am just scared, i don't wanna let my babies go outside... but they will be happier.
  8. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    where do you live? I am in northern Iowa, and the average lows for this time of year is 30-40'. the highs are upper 60's and lower 70's. I'm assuming that is too cold? the current temp in the brooder is 70-75*.
  9. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    I might move them out next week, when they turn 5 weeks. I have electricity in the coop (my grandpa is an electrician) so i will be putting a heat lamp in there. I won't let them out of the coop until 8 weeks though...
  10. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    I have enjoyed building the coop with my dad! Sam&Domino, have you moved your chicks out to the coop yet? I don't know when to move mine out....
  11. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    hmmm not bad. I like Maya(n).I know the romans had chickens (for cockfighting at least) so maybe Roma? haha! or maybe Aphrodite....
  12. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    I intialy ordered ten, but ended up with twelve- 2 Buff orpingtons- Dandelion and Daffidol- really tame and lovable 2 Amaraucanas- Pebble and Marble- a litte stand-offish, but they are getting better 2 Silver Laced wyandotte- Lacey and Macey- timid, but once they figure out you don't eat...
  13. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    my babies LOVE scrambled egg....they play 'football' with it. I have 12. how many do you have?
  14. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    Sam and Domino--I'm with ya! mine are 3 weeks old. Yours are 4 weeks, right?
  15. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    how do your chicks show they love you? Mine rush and sit on my feet whenever i get in lol. They also fly to my shoulder.
  16. Chicks Galore3

    Walking with Chickens; Watching them grow

    Sam and Domino- I am a fanatic to... My dad said that if i did the research, i could have them! Now i have twelve! They grow like weeds. A week and three days old and they already are FLYING really good....
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