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  1. MrsBrooke

    ? What's wrong with her??

    The follow-up post was only for informational purposes. :) I'm glad you (will) give your girls an egg vacation during winter! I hope that the Corid perks her up and prevents anything further from going around in your flock. Please keep us updated! MrsB
  2. MrsBrooke

    ? What's wrong with her??

    I only ask because exposing birds to artificial light at night BEFORE they lay can exacerbate egg yolk peritonitis. Symptoms of egg yolk peritonitis: loss of appetite/anorexia, weakness, depression, respiratory distress, lethargy, fluffed feathers, lack of vocalizations, yolk-colored...
  3. MrsBrooke

    ? What's wrong with her??

    Do you use artificial lighting to increase egg production? MrsB
  4. MrsBrooke

    ? What's wrong with her??

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I wish we were able to help sooner. :( Is this the first time you noticed she was acting strange? Did you investigate her abdomen for possible eggbinding? Are any of your other chickens exhibiting any symptoms (lethargy, respiratory distress, bloody...
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