This will be the third time I've posted her on here, and now that she's 3 months old I'm hoping someone can tell me what breed she is. Here are pics of her, just taken today. Thanks, everyone!!!
LOL! Thanks, I think she's beautiful, too....I don't think she's a cross, but I'm not sure....she came out of the 'rainbow layers' bin. I ran across a pic of some sort of game chicken, and thought she looked like that. I don't know!!!!
The hatchery she came from (estes) has 2 breeds under special varieties: ameraucanas and silver laced wyandotte. They have a whole different category for rainbow layers, and don't say what breeds are chosen from to assemble the rainbow mix.
She looks like what we call around here "an egg laying chicken."
Really think she is a mix. She kind of looks like a Columbian Wyandotte around her neck area with some red laced bird in her. She might have some Langshan in her without the feathering. I wonder if the eggs will be brown? If you get a green or olive tinted egg, then you'll know she has EE or Amer. in her.
Upon further reflection, she could be a Sex-Link (Delaware x NHR)/Langshan cross. Just my guess. I crossed some red sex-links with a Wyandotte roo and got some that looked very similar to her.