I like how because of some dumb human error that leads to dead or injured chickens, people go on a opossum and/or raccoon killing rampage. Just secure your chickens and if the predators get them, it is your own **** fault. Don't take it out on the poor animal that is just doing its natural thing.
FYI, I killed a raccoon once and I didn't feel good about it. It was purely revenge and I wish I hadn't. We found an opossum outside a couple years ago, probably fell off its mom and we took it in and have kept it. I learned a lot about these animals. They are not the evildoers you might think, just trying to get by. Be nice.
FYI, I killed a raccoon once and I didn't feel good about it. It was purely revenge and I wish I hadn't. We found an opossum outside a couple years ago, probably fell off its mom and we took it in and have kept it. I learned a lot about these animals. They are not the evildoers you might think, just trying to get by. Be nice.