1 month old chicks

  1. cecimich

    Mysterious death of month old chick

    I'm not sure what I'm looking for - maybe reassurance? I got 4 chicks from a local breeder and one was sleepy and slow for the first week, but ate and drank plenty and was sometimes energetic. I kept an eye on her and she's been totally normal for the past 2-3 weeks. This week I've been...
  2. W

    Help? Pullet or Cockerel

    Bought 8 (pullets) from Rural King back in Mid March. Wondering if this little one is a pullet or cockerel? By the size of the comb I’m leaning towards it being a cockerel. I’m new to all of this so would love some feedback. 4 weeks old yesterday. Thank you all.
  3. mandymcg05

    Silkie Babies… colors galore!

    So I have some new Silkie babes. EIGHT to be exact!! I’m so in loveeeee 🥰🐣 Thinking I have 2 buff (one frizzle?), 2-3 blue, 1 or 2 black, a splash (?) and a partridge (frizzle) in a pair tree! 😆 Any input on the colors for me?
  4. Tea_Birbs

    What are these young men??

    Hello! So we recently hatched some eggs that were listed as “surprise eggs”. the white/Grey rooster chick is feathered and doesn’t have any features of a Silkie other than black skin. But his feathers aren’t silkie.. like at all. No fluff, just normal feathers. If he was a polish wouldn’t he...
  5. Just Posting For Memories of My Chickies

    Just Posting For Memories of My Chickies

    I ordered 4 chicks from MyPetChicken.com and I loved the chicks I received. I bought four-1 day old chicks that I’ve wanted for awhile now: a SLWyandotte, BLRWyandotte, Speckled Sussex, and Barred Rock. Original plan was to sneak them under broody momma hen who’s chicks just hatched recently but...
  6. orangesplash

    Raising chicks in a brooder- when to transition outdoors?

    I have Aseel chicks here-in our part of the world i.e Pakistan, the colors are given names in the native language. So I have Heera Aseel-they are pure white in color. So I had the eggs incubated in my Brinsea Octagon Ex. The hatch was beautiful. the chicks are doing amazing :) I have a few...
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