4x8 coop

  1. Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion

    Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion

    The only accurate word to describe this build is "Rednecked" -- but that's fine because while I was born a Yankee, rural North Carolina is where I really belong. I was given a group of 4-week-old chicks who came with some equipment, including a coop that was a repurposed temporary run from...
  2. pclark17

    Custom Coop Design and Construction

    Hello from Western Ky (Paducah area). We bought a pre-fab coop last summer and moved our crew of 3 into the new coop and run last October. We have since successfully integrated a GLW into our flock of 2 RIR's and a BR. Now that all four are full size, I can tell the coop and roosting situation...
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