abnormal egg

  1. lancasterflock

    What is this smell!!??! Ahhhh!!!

    I just got a message from my aunt saying that one of my eggs smelled like bleach. She sent me a pic of the shell and it looks lightly brown on the inside. I have never ran into this before so naturally I am kind of freaking out as I do sell my eggs. I use no chemicals around my flock, coop/run...
  2. A

    Chicken stopped laying, now suspicious eggs

    My ISA Brown (about 18 mos. old) is a ridiculously regular layer. She hardly ever misses a day. A few weeks ago, she didn't lay for about a week. This was very strange for her. She wasn't acting broody (never has) and she seemed normal in every other way. It was suddenly very hot here...
  3. TheBirdBabe


    Earlier one if my hens was acting sort of sleepy. She is usually a little jerk & tries to attack me (to the extent of spurring me) or "shuffles" around me. I thought it was odd that she wasn't being rude, instead she came & sat on the arm of my chair. A bit later she moved to a tree they all...
  4. C

    SUPER speckled egg, whats up?

    Hey! So some of my spring chicks finally started laying, two days in a row I have gotten a brown egg that is so speckled it is almost white! The speckles fade when I hold the egg and come back once it is left alone. The brown is quite dark under the speckles but its hard to tell. What is going...
  5. C

    Ten pin bowling shaped egg!

    Help! My hen has laid this egg she didn't lay yesterday could it be yesterdays egg not fully formed and today's egg? She attacked one of my elder chickens this morning who was in the nest box (elder one doesn't normally go in that box so she probably took umbridge) could it be that?
  6. Britt712

    Very odd egg coloration?

    So I keep coturnix quail only. They lay "normal" patterned eggs regularly, but today I found an unusual one. It is completely patternless with a tanish coloration. Any coturnix owners out there that get eggs like this on some occasion? Is this a quality issue or something I should be worried...
  7. connieconnie

    Abnormal alive embryo day 18...

    So I just candled my eggs today (day 18 of the incubation) and one of my cream legbar eggs is weird. It's 100% alive; moving around like crazy, beautiful veins all over etc. But it's half the size of the other emrbyos. It's only taking up about 3/7ths of the space in the egg. It's looks like a...
  8. karenmragan

    Soft Egg Shells in Pullet

    Hello, thanks to anyone who may help me figure this out. The issue is with a 5-month-old Austra White pullet. I have caught her several times lay a very soft-shelled egg in the middle of the coop floor; which promptly gets eaten. This has happened in the morning and in the evening. She is on a...
  9. E

    Is this lash egg or odd first lay?

    I have a mixed flock with 1.5 year old laying hens and pullets just starting to lay. I found this this morning with some yolk around it also...I don’t know who it came from and wonder if it’s lash egg or could be something weird laid by my pullets who are just figuring things out. I have 4...
  10. Khalpers

    Broken shell in vent, vet visit, antibiotics, etc.

    This morning, there was a shell-less (and rather scrambled) egg under the roost. I figured out the culprit was my Ameraucauna, Henrietta, pretty quickly because she had a piece of egg stuck to her vent. She's two years old, a reliable egg layer, very docile good girl. I got her in a shallow tub...
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