acting strange

  1. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Why won’t my chickens stop preening?

    Hi folks! We have just recently moved our 6 hens into a larger movable run, we have had sunshine and it’s began to feel like spring However something weird has happened to their behaviour, they won’t stop preening themselves and they are very quiet, I’ve never known them like this. Is it because...
  2. RynNightmare

    Possible egg binding or something different?

    So here’s the thing, when I let my ducks out this morning, one of them didn’t want to come out and was acting egg bound, but I checked the nest and all the eggs had been laid. I have two Cayuga ducks and each duck gives me an egg a day. There were two eggs in the nest. She’s got her feathers...
  3. C


    One of my hens was dealing with impacted crop she isn’t anymore. But she doesn’t have much of an appetite and it’s concerning me because shes underweight. I’m not sure what’s going on or what can be wrong. I believe it’s a crop issue more than impacted/sour crop. She isn’t really eating feed...
  4. L

    Chicken under developed and acting strange

    Hi! I have a small flock of 11 chicken all of which are 7 weeks old. One of the chickens I have seems very odd compared to the rest. She’s not feathered yet (she has some but not even close to fully feathered) and she’s quite a bit smaller than the rest of the chicks. She also acts a bit...
  5. Emrosenagel

    Chicken looks and acts strange

    Hello! One of my ladies suddenly started acting a bit strange yesterday. Her comb is drooping over, she has kind of a dazed look, and sleeping more than usual. She still scratches and forages but very slowly and almost uninterested (and yes she is drinking and eating, just not so...
  6. E

    Chick not acting right

    Hi all! I have a chick who is 4 weeks old. She is a peanut! She only weighs 1 ounce at this point and I know that is small even for her breed. She is a mille fleur. I know she is small because we have another the same age that is more than twice her size! This little one was also doing a...
  7. HensSweetHens

    Scabby+swolen bump (only one bump) on hen's comb, no other lessions. Desperately need help!!

    Hello dear chicken keepers! Please please forgive my long post, but I am completely at a loss, and had to give the whole story. I desperately need your advice or any kind of input on my situation. I don't want to loose my girl!!! Amber - my chicken who is the most robust and energetic hen has...
  8. M

    Chicken walking gingerly with legs close together...

    Hi, I'm a longtime lurker here, and decided to post when i couldn't figure out a chicken's problem. We have around 30 hens, and one of our polish started acting up last night. She's around 2 years old, she's on the lighter side. The problem seems to be her walking. She walks at a slight crouch...
  9. TheRealFowlLove

    Chicken is Alert but Stays in Coop and Only Drinks Water

    Hi all! Long-time member of the Backyard flock and I want to take a moment to thank you all for your posts in the past because I have solved almost every chicken problem I've had with this site. However, I haven't found one pertaining to my situation this time so I have to make my own. I have a...
  10. N

    Concerned about new chick

    Hello, so my sister in law purchased 3 chicks from a local farm supply store. We don't know how old they are or anything. We've had them in a homemade brooder with a red heat lamp. They've been doing fine but tonight I noticed the biggest one kinda freaking out. She's flying back and forth in...
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