advice needed

  1. K

    On a hunt for Yokohamas or other pretty chicken breeds !!

    I’m located in Kentucky and have been on a serious search for a new beautiful breed to start breeding. I haven’t had much luck though in finding new breeders to befriend and do business with. I’m not particularly looking for a rare rare breed but something new to bring around my community. My...
  2. I

    Drunk walk now just laying and wobbly

    My chicken all of a sudden started drunk walking and so we brought her inside and two days later she has not moved, isn’t eating, or drinking. I thought it could be signs of Marek’s disease but it’s all happening so quickly. do the symptoms usually take affect like this, one day fine the next...
  3. D

    Rooster help

    I have 7 chickens (6 hens and 1 rooster), Richard the naked necked rooster has always been super docile and never given me any issues or tried to harm any of the hens. I just got a female pekin from a bad home and when I went to introduce them he just started attacking her with his beak and...
  4. W

    Turkey hen attacking baby chicks

    Hey everbody, i have 2 red burbon turkeys an 11 adult chickens in a flock. Their housed in the same building,about 2 months ago i hatched some chicken eggs in the incubator and now that their old enough ive tried to introduce them to the flock but my turkey hen does not tolorate them at all, she...
  5. H

    How much vitamin d supplement should I give my two year old duck?

    We recently bought a Jamieson vitamin D3 (400 iu) supplement for my duck. She’s two years old and has a vitamin d deficiency. We don’t go outside often, but I’ve been opening the curtains for her in the morning for her to get some sunshine. I was wondering how much I should feed her this...
  6. H

    How much vitamin d should I give my 2 year old duck?

    We recently bought a Jamieson vitamin D3 (400 iu) supplement for my duck. She’s two years old and has a vitamin d deficiency. We don’t go outside often, but I’ve been opening the curtains for her in the morning for her to get some sunshine. I was wondering how much I should feed her this...
  7. ColonelMustard

    Lump on rooster’s back (pictures attached)

    I was checking my rooster today (had some lice we treated last month) and noticed a large, warm bump below his neck. There are no feathers growing on it. I accidentally plucked a loose feather which is the red dot. Any ideas as to what this could be? He is acting normal.
  8. Muscovy-palooza

    Chicken sitting yes or no, quarantine, etc

    I have a friend that is battling health issues and is going to be traveling out of town for 3 weeks. She doesn't have the strength and stamina to secure her old dilapidated coop and run before leaving. I offered for her to bring her 6 chickens over with their tractor so we could care for them...
  9. 9ducksinacardigan

    weird question! any advice for painting my ducks nails?

    haii!!! i plan on painting my duck lenny’s nails tomorrow since he trusts me enough to lay in my lap while i rub his belly. i have an insta dry nail polish that dries within 60 seconds, i want to know if that would be safe. i dont want to cause any injuries to him at all. im not doing this to...
  10. ColonelMustard

    New Rooster Owner

    Hello everyone. I am completely new to chickens - a rooster wandered onto our property about two weeks ago. I haven't been able to locate his owner so I figured at this point he's most likely not getting claimed. He's a polish rooster, very cautious but not aggressive. I've been able to pick...
  11. M

    Need advice on bumblefoot

    A few days ago, I discovered my favorite chicken, a 5-year-old female buff Orpington, has bumblefoot on both her feet (stage 3 or 4). I don’t think her feet are swollen, but she has 2 dark scabs. I’ve noticed she walks a little weird sometimes and might be sleeping a little more than usual...
  12. D

    Please help! Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  13. H

    Is this feed moldy?

    This a Manna pro duck feed I’ve been giving my duck lately, but it seems kind off.. I don’t know, there are some black spots there after looking closely, so I’m a bit worried. It doesn’t feel weird nor does it smell bad, but was there always black dots on the feed? I don’t know. I have noticed...
  14. D

    Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  15. D

    Is there undigested food in this duck poop?

    I’ve been looking at it for awhile now, but I can’t really tell. I don’t believe there is any, but there seemed to be some earlier, so I want to make sure just in case. Any help is appreciated! -She is one and a half years old -She is a Pekin duck -She’s only been eating Manna pro duck feed...
  16. H

    Duck with very hot beak and cold-ish legs?? Please help!

    Her beak has been very hot for the past few days. We believe it’s because it’s summer now, but the AC is always on and though it isn’t cool during the mornings, it’s fine at night. However, her beak is ALMOST ALWAYS hot even during nighttime. She’s panting and her beak is hot, to the point it’s...
  17. Y

    Advice needed! Do ducks with liver disease from wrong nutritions and malnutrition require medication to get better or are just vitamins good?

    Please help! it’s our first time having ducks, so we’re having some trouble. We fed her a lot of food that wasn't supposed to be eaten long term, but we’re doing our best to fix this mistake. Any advice is appreciated!
  18. M

    Incubating abandoned mourning dove eggs

    Hello, I’m new here and been searching threads for advice. Everyone is so nice! Thought I’d make a post of my own for more specific help. I had a pair of mourning doves lay 2 eggs in a hanging planter right next to my front door. They hung in there for about a week, but after multiple...
  19. J

    Wasp Advice/Assistance please?

    I discovered (amd I don't know how I missed them until now) wasp or hornet nests in and around my coop and need some help to A) Identify if possible, and B) Know what to do with them. I don't necessarily WANT to kill them, but I don't really like the idea of an active nest INSIDE the enclosed...
  20. M

    Ruptured air sac not healing

    I already had a forum going for this but it hasn’t got much attention and this problem is still persisting. I have a baby chicken with a ruptured air sac which I have been treating for WEEKS now and it just isn’t healing. We went to a vet first thing and she said to just drain the air a few...
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