
  1. H

    Will younger hens take over older hens?

    Hello everyone, I have some chicks that are 10 weeks old and others that are 16 weeks old. I also have 3 hens that have ruled over the chicks for since the chicks were born. I was just wondering if the chicks will start fighting the hens when they grow up? Or will they just stay lower in the...
  2. 1stChicken919

    Any Ideas On The Sex and Breed?

    Maybe even the age?
  3. Hens Passing Away Due to Old Age: What to Expect

    Hens Passing Away Due to Old Age: What to Expect

    In memory of Henry. So, you’ve done everything right. You’ve maintained your flock well; they’re healthy, fat, and happy old women. You should certainly give yourself a pat on the back... you’ve done a good job caring for your chickens. It’s been somewhere between five and ten years since...
  4. CapricornFarm

    It hurts!

    Hello BYC folk! For whatever reason, lots of us have to suffer with chronic or acute pain. So this thread is for those folks to discuss, complain, vent, brainstorm or otherwise try to deal with it. Usual rules apply, be nice and helpful so we can keep up the discussion. You can also discuss...
  5. Soleil_A

    what breed is lorretta?

    yeah happy new year guys! i have just been curious on what breed lorretta is. i rescued her from a auction so i know nothing about her. also how old do you think she is? thanks!
  6. W

    Lost a hen that was just fine two days ago...

    One of the hens we inherited when we bought our home died in the night. The whole flock was said to be about ten years old when we moved in and took over care of them. This hen was doing great just two days ago with no signs of trouble at all. Yesterday she was found laying in the corner of the...
  7. chickenreyna

    from wat I've estimated theres just a 18 day difference betweem these chicks does that seem rightlo

    By judging by the appearance of their growth. And yes, almost positive all are bantam cochins..purchased all from same tss store from bantam assortment bin. But, the two bigger ones from tss store on the 26th of November and the smaller ones on December 9th! The bigger ones look massive plus...
  8. Star and eclipsa

    Chicken laying

    When do chickens start laying eggs?
  9. Sam Pritchard

    Muscovy? Female or Male?

    I finally picked up my loner duck a friend. The lady told me it was a female Muscovy but I could tell she was in a rush and maybe just said that because that's what sex I wanted. When I got home I realized how HUGE I mean almost double my ducks size she was. I'm new to muscovys so I wasn't sure...
  10. Jayecookie

    How old are these chic

    I got some baby chicks at my local feed store (Grifs) and they said when I bought them they were 3 days old I also got 4 more from my pet chicken and when they were three they didn’t look as developed (especially in the wing growth) as these did as three days old. So what age do you guys think...
  11. rowechicks

    Butchering Age: Red Rangers

    I have 6 red rangers that I believe are all roosters. They are currently 8 weeks old and based on the two I weighed, weigh between 4.5 and 5 pounds each. I'm trying to decide when to butcher so I can coordinate with a grandparent sleepover for my fiver year old boys. Is 8 weeks too early? How...
  12. Suprise-Chicks

    What Sex - Brahma x Cochin

    Hey I think this is a Brahma x Cochin She/ he is about 4 months old and estimate 5kgs I always thought snowpee was a Hen, but the last 2 days I have seen Her climb on the little black Pekin, and the Tiny Belgian D'uccle x Frizzle. Snowpee is not Crowing? What do you think it is Hen or Roo...
  13. Carlswani

    Age of egg advice needed on lockdown

    Hello! I’ve had two failed hatch attempts and think the second was due to too high humidity during the whole incubation process but the problem is 5-10 days into the last hatch I got a frizzle rooster and was so excited to see if he was fertile I put the first one of his eggs in just to see if...
  14. A

    What breed and gender are my recently bought pullets and cockerel(s)?

    Hi, I recently bought 4 chickens, all young, in their pullets and cockerel ages. The guy selling had no idea about the breeds, and he just had them by flock. So I was hoping someone here can help. Here they are. (1/4) -Cockerel -Has beautiful black and white pattern on body and fur. -White...
  15. chicken4prez

    What's a good age to let the babies into my main flock?

    I have twelve 8-12 week old chicks that contain EEs and Silkies. What's a good age to let my babies into the bigger flock? I have two roosters that are almost the same size as my one RIR so I'm thinking that they can go out soon. They're 12 weeks old. Thanks in advance!
  16. fowlfam

    What to feed our mixed-aged flock?

    Our birds range anywhere from 1 month to 4 and a half months. What kind of feed should we be feeding them? I'm thinking a grower... any recommendations? We have about 25 birds
  17. barred2rock

    Do hens "sing" the egg song without laying?

    Three of my five BRs have large red combs & wattles (one of which has a larger c & w and has had it for about a month). On a couple occasions one or more of them has sang the egg song while up on their roost. But I've gone through their bedding (and of course the nest boxes) and have yet to find...
  18. AllisonLea4565

    What gender is this? And breed?

    Hello! Just got a new chicken I suspect it's a rooster but I'm not sure, hasn't crowed yet. Also anyone have any idea of the breed? And his age? He was sort of a rescue situation so I have no info on him. Thank you!
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