
  1. sscaria

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    on friday i set up a brand new 20 gallon tank, let it sit with water conditioner. set up a water filter and tank heater (80° F) with thermometer. Saturday i bought three molly fish, three ghost shrimp, three algae eaters and three ADF (african dwarf frog). i set up gravel, some live plants and...
  2. JohnsterSpacePoultrygram

    Any possible aquarium tank uses for poultry purposes?

    Not sure where to put this, so I'm posting it here. I have a spare 10 gallon glass aquarium tank which has never been used before that I've been trying to think of uses for with poultry. The dimensions of the tank are roughly 20" L x 12.5" H x 10.5" W so I've thought that maybe it can be used...
  3. C

    Aquatic plants

    Does anyone know where I'd find sources on which aquarium plants I can safely feed my ducks? I already feed them hornwort and duckweed, but I have a lot in my planted tank I'm sure they'd love but I'm a little nervous... Maybe I should assume that fish safe ones should be safe for ducks? I have...
  4. ChickenWhisperer101

    Nemo and Friends aquarium in Houston Tx?!?

    Hi y’all! There is this fish store called Nemo and friends in Houston tx and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this store. It’s quite a long drive from me, so I was wondering if it’s worth the drive. I’m specifically looking for rams. Thanks for any help or fish store...
  5. topochico225

    Zebra aquarium snail insides dissolved? What happened?

    Hey y'all! I have a male betta fish named Bingley, purchased a couple months ago. I got a zebra snail a week after I got Bingley to keep down the algae levels in the fish bowl. The snail was fine for a while, but in the past ~2 months I thought I didn't see him very much, but I was also...
  6. K

    Would aquarium water be bad for chickens?

    Would you consider using water from a fresh water fish tank to water your chickens? We have a 30gal heavily planted freshwater tank; we change the water every week. We test the water regularly and maintain it at 5-10 ppm nitrate, 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, and 7.2ph. During the summer we put it on...
  7. ShrekDawg

    Fish Thread

    Who else has fish!? I’ve had various fish over the years including an awesome planted 10 gallon betta tank at one point but then I got out of it for several years. Didn’t think I would get more as the maintenance was just too much and I didn’t really enjoy it anymore. That is until I...
  8. B

    Glass Tank Incubator?

    Good day to everybody, I'm planning on hatching some quail eggs soon, however, I do not have access to an incubator. I do have a 10 gallon aquarium tank that I plan to use for this; I'd like some advice and review on what I've come up with. The bottom of the tank is lined with paper towels. On...
  9. tokies

    California Black Worms & Duckweed For ducks?

    I have been culturing black worms in duckweed for 7 years. I have come to the point where I have figured out how to breed and culture them for about a penny a pound. Instead of buying it for 45 bucks a pound. I had a very greedy duck break into my duckweed black worm culture and eat to her...
  10. DaviJones

    Corydora Catfish, Any Other Fish Keepers

    I'm thinking of adding another Cory cat to my aquarium. The other two are bigger than any at the store so I wanted to ask, despite Corys being a really peaceful fish, will they bully the smaller. And the two I have are albinos, can I add different varieties such as Panda, Julii, and Sterbai...
  11. ShrekDawg


    So most people probably don't remember and I'm not even sure if I officially about it, maybe just one post asking a question about some of them?, but anyway, I got 6 goldfish back in late January/early February of this year and figured I would post an update. So two of them died pretty early...
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