assisting hatch

  1. Isadora

    How long to wait before assisting goose egg

    I believe I'm on day 29 of incubation with a buff/pilgrim goose egg. Temperature is at 99 and humidity is 70 percent. I had one hatch this morning and the other hatch day before yesterday. There's two eggs left in the incubator. One I didn't have good hopes for in the first place because the air...
  2. artbykarenehaley

    Egg pipped Facing down, do I intervene?

    This egg is the first pip, and day 21 is tomorrow. Here's a photo of the piece of shell that has fallen off. I know there is a pip hole here because I can kneel down and just barely see the chick's beak poking out and moving. I've not seen this happen before. Should I intervene?
  3. Joylime322

    Assisting Eggs/ Touching Baby Chicks

    Dear Community, I have some eggs soon to be set into the incubator but I am a first timer and I have a few questions that the internet just doesn't seem to have a direct enough answer for. Firstly, If I do open the incubator in the last three days, is it really as bad as I have heard...
  4. Curnow

    Help! Peeping 12+ hours in shell Pipped Wiggling but no Zipping!

    Need advice please. This incubator hatch has not been the greatest so far. 12 hatched fine on day 21-22 out of 32 eggs. Day 23 starts at 7 PM today. I have had 2 die in shell after pipping. It appears on had ruptured membrane due to it's rough treatment from the other chicks. The other...
  5. G

    Assist w duck egg that pipped (external) over 19 hours ago

    Sorry, nervous first-time "parent"! So, I need to know how much to assist w a duck egg that pipped (externally) 19.5 hours ago. I just removed the shell, not that inner membrane, to the edge of where the air sac was (I had the foresight to draw that before the duck pipped). The ducking pipped...
  6. K

    Overdue duck egg!! No signs of pipping. Plz help!

    I have been incubating an abandoned duck egg. I'm completely new at this, but I've done hours of research about how to incubate eggs. This website has helped a lot! Up until hatch time my egg has been developing fine. I had two to begin with, but two weeks ago one of them started sweating out a...
  7. K

    Please help! Overdue duck with no sign of pipping. Warning! Graphic images

    I have been incubating an abandoned duck egg. I'm completely new at this, but I've done hours of research about how to incubate eggs. This website has helped a lot! Up until hatch time my egg has been developing fine. I had two to begin with, but two weeks ago one of them started sweating out a...
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