baby chick 0-1 week old and up

  1. E

    Recently hatched bantam chick

    the first picture is a normal healthy baby chick but the second picture, i don’t know what I’m dealing with like the legs don’t look spraddle or is it so i gotta ask, what i’m dealing with and how to treat it also the baby chick is about a day old.
  2. mllrye

    Baby Chick is obsessed with me

    Help! My week old baby chick is a little too attached to me! I love her so much, but she hates being in brooder. She panics, paces and cries if I leave the room. She just wants to be held 24/7. I’m loving it, but I’m going away for a few days at the end of the month and I want her to be ok and...
  3. Jasfarm

    New baby Chicks!

    Just some pictures of the new flock. 4 Lavender Orps 4 Guinea Hens (1 pearl, 2 pied, 1 blue coral)
  4. 124chicks

    6 new baby chicks!

    Hello friends, I'm a new chicken mama and just added 6 babies: a Barnevelder, Buff Orpington, GLW, SLW, BCM, and Columbian Wyandotte. Got them from Meyer Hatchery a week ago. They are 8 days old now and seem to be thriving. I made a brooder out of a large dog crate, cardboard, and hardware...
  5. J

    First time chick mom here and just need general advice

    Just bought six straight run chicks from Tractor supply. 3 breeds mixed together but I can identify one for certain. I have 11 adult hens, 1 adult rooster and 1 adolescent rooster already. They are obviously kept separate from the chicks with no issues so far. I’ve never raised chicks and need a...
  6. luckycluk

    New chicks

    My granddaughter and I went and got fourchicks today. They are not the Easter eggers we are waiting for, they will be here next week. We got 4 sapphire gems. They are so cute. I’m like a new mother hen I’m so nervous. This is my first time with chicks. I’ve always got them at about 12-14 weeks...
  7. C

    URGENT baby chick on decline

    Hi all, Just got two new baby chicks to add to our flock they are in the brooder and only four days old. One is thriving but I am becoming concerned for the other she is constantly sleeping and today has started showing minimal to no interest in food. I have given her some electrolytes in hopes...
  8. Jaimes09

    Dumor chick starter/grower

    How long do i give them this for? I was wondering if i can give it to them till they’re able to eat layer feed. Should i manage how much my 3 day old chicks eat? Or do i just let them eat however much they want?
  9. MamaBsFunkyFlock

    Lethargic Chick-Should I worry?

    Hi everyone, I just received a bantam mix from Meyer Hatchery on Tuesday 11/2 and this little cutie (I’m pretty sure she’s a mottled Cochin) was doing great the first day but yesterday she was barely walking around and never ate on her own. In the afternoon I got her to drink some...
  10. M

    Can I feed baby chicks bread?

    Hi My name is Penny and currently NZ is in lockdown and I live on an island where farm supplies and livestock food needs to be freighted in. My Silkie, Houdini, has been sitting on eggs for 21 days now and the baby chicks are just about to hatch but I don’t have any starter crumble for them. Can...
  11. S


    My chick is 8 days old. It is smaller than the rest and can be very loud. He had feathers but not much. He has struggles with walking as the umbilical cord got wrapped around his leg bu I managed to pry it off so hopefully he will improve. Do you reckon that there is another issue because he...
  12. J

    HELP! I’m worried I harmed my baby chick!

    Hello everyone, Today we heard cheeping under our hen (who had been sitting on eggs for some time) we lifted her up to find one dead chick (very sad :( and upsetting) but another that was just popping out of its shell. We watched it come out and it was falling everywhere over the other eggs so...
  13. Jelli_Sprout

    Chicks huddled in corner

    I have 3 bantam silkies that are about a week old in a brooder about 3.5ft×1ft, I am using a heat lamp, and I noticed they are huddling in a corner. I know that when they are lumped together it usually means they are cold, but they are not sitting directly under the light. Unfortunately, I do...
  14. J

    Help baby chick

    So a mama was broody on eggs, and a couple hatched but after the second day of the hatching she left the eggs. Once she left them, and didn’t touch them for a couple day I decided to grab the eggs and put it in the incubator, in case of any late hatches. in the end one chick hatched, this was...
  15. RainValleyFarm

    Wry neck and eye problem?

    I have a 6 day old chick struggling with wry neck. She has been struggling since day one. Been giving her raw yolk and water with some honey. I can get some rooster booster down her but she's very bad about anything with vitamins mixed in it. If I drop it onto her beak she flings her head and it...
  16. L

    Baby chick isn’t good at eating

    I’m back with my 5th question. These tiny fluffs have been a source of constant worry. I have one chick that is a lot smaller than the rest, and isn’t very good at eating. She will just stand and stare at the food and maybe peck at it once or twice, while the rest of the chicks are just...
  17. K

    URGENT! young chick just stoped walking, one wing is wide open, stumbling to that side when she walks refusing to lift head

    Hi guys I really need some urgent help! I have just found one of my little chicks sitting on the ground with one wing hanging and having difficulty walking, when my little chick does try to move, she/he stumbles to the same side of the open hanging wing, I have gotten it to drink but not eat as...
  18. K

    Please-please, can someone help with 3 baby chicks in Miami!

    I have found 3 baby chicks without their mom, they were all wet and upside down but I saw their bellies breathing, they were all wet (it rained last night). I got them at home in the box and tried feeding them (not sure how...) I do not have any experience raising them and my husband is not...
  19. P

    Baby chick with red eye please help

    My broody hens sat on fertilised eggs and hatched 5 chicks. 4 are loved and happy with their mummy hens. Today, I found the fifth abandoned. I tried to put it under the australorp hen but she wouldn't have a bar of it and the other broody hen turned her back. It lacked energy so I picked it up...
  20. S

    My chick was choking on a baby worm

    So I gave my baby chicks worms and they absolutely loved them! Anyway, on of my black silkies ate a full worm it took her ages to eat it and the worm kept on coming back up and down her throat. We were very worried and thought she was choking. Her head was up and was trying to swallow it. Now...
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