baby chick

  1. kimmmmmmm


    I ordered baby chicks online and they are supposed to be picked up but I don’t know if McMurray hatchery is going to send the baby chicks to my nearest post office or a different post office please help!
  2. Ittybittyschmidtie

    Can I take my chickens out on a field trip?

    15 chickens are 5 weeks Friday. It’s 60 sunny and they are fully feathered Can I take them out in the run? I’ve been keeping the window open everyday to provide fresh natural air. They seem done with the heat lamp They hate it inside I feel horrible
  3. P

    Baby chick bald spot

    Hello everyone, first timer here. Just got 8 chicks a week ago. 4 jersey giants and 4 midnight majesty’s. I have one chick who has some bald spots on their back. I have looked and I don’t think I see any mites or lice? And I haven’t seen the others pecking this one. Any advice? Thanks! -This...
  4. H

    How to clean baby chick face?

    I’ve got a five day old chick I’m hand reading to try and save from a slipped tendon. Because he’s been unable to walk he wasn’t feeding or drinking on his own. He’s now starting to peck at chick crumb independently which is great. My problem is that for the last two days I’ve been offering...
  5. K

    Baby chick with eye issue

    I have a two week old welbar chick with an eye issue. She might be getting pecked at but tonight when I picked her up I noticed she had a little wood chip in her eye I got it out. I’m sure that didn’t help her eye issue. I’m not sure if it is an infection or it’s irritated. I will attach a...
  6. B

    Pullet or Cockerel Black Australorp Chicks

    Hi, these two chicks are 3.5 weeks old and out of 10 chicks they have the biggest combs already. Just wondering your thoughts on gender! Thanks you! I’ll be happy either way!
  7. A

    Prolapsed vent and pasty butt in baby chick

    I bought eight baby chicks from a local feed store about four days ago. I have bought chicks from this store and never had any problems. Though today I noticed a lot of them have pasty butt, so I treated them until I got to last one, she’s a blue silky, I noticed hers was way worse than the...
  8. S

    Is a drop of VetRX Okay?

    Now i do Have another set of Chicks that i hatched the same time as these ones. There are Three but we have decided to keep them in separate brooders that way we can monitor them separately (i dont know why but this is how my parents decided it) We use Pinewood Shavings for both and i do clean...
  9. Amymb

    Baby Chick Scabbed Vent

    Hi! So Monday she had a clogged vent and I cared for her all day until she finally passed the clog. I’ve been gently wiping her with a warm wet Qtip about twice a day and putting coconut oil or olive oil on her vent after wiping. She looked red yesterday in the vent area and I used cortisone on...
  10. Amymb

    Is this her umbilical cord?

    Is this her bellybutton? Just checking to be sure it’s not some kind of abnormality. It’s hard and round shaped and seems to be attached. Is there anything I should do, watch or know? I didn’t notice it yesterday but I was very focused on another fluff butt with anal prolapse, who is now...
  11. C

    Is my pullet actually a roo?

    I was so convinced my sweet chick daisy was a girl she is a lap chick already and I had thoughts others may be Roos but not her and now she is looking the most like she may actually be a male after all? Red comb forming also has red wattles coming in, “she” is 3 weeks old! Thoughts??? She is an...
  12. C

    Comb to gender theory accuracy?

    I’m hearing that as far as the pea comb goes 3 means a male and one means female has that been accurate for you? Has anyone noticed what they thought was a pullet develop a 3 row pea comb and turn out to be a male or still female? Also with tail feather developing later has then been accurate...
  13. Chickensrule69

    Blood on membrane

    So you know the white part or the membrane covering the baby chick once the shell is gone well I invited my nephew and nieces over because they wanted to see lemons (my broody hen) babies they started pecking today and when I turn away for a second my niece has peeled back some of the white...
  14. R

    Sick 1.5 week old chicks

    Hello, I am very new to chicken keeping and orginally started out with an olive egger, Silkie, and BBS ameracuna (2/4). Well the silkie at 1.5 weeks old got sick, like crackling/rales, congestion and sneezing. I wasnt sure what to do so I contacted the breeder and she suggested I treat for...
  15. Chickenwithnobrim

    1 week old chick sparring

    So is sparring this early a good indication of being a rooster? They are exactly 8 days old. My one chick tried to spar today with its siblings, full kicks and neck poof. It was ridiculous seeing a ball of fluff karate kicking. Im already calling it a he because hes the most cuddly and bonded to...
  16. lissasmomma1

    Who's the DADDY, who's the MOMMA?!!

    So here's some recent pics taken today of lil Chicken Tender with his hatcher. (Cause I don't know which of the two hens is it's momma) and still have no clue who the daddy is. Someone posted on my original post about this chick that a hen can carry sperm inside for 30 days, does anyone know if...
  17. marielita777

    Two day old chick with wry neck

    I have a two day old chick with a wry neck. My question is, how often do I feed him the vitamin E and B-complex? Thank y’all so much in advance. 🥰
  18. Sunshinechickies


    I have been raising baby chicks from the incubator that seemed completely healthy but today two of them seemed weak. They both died, and I am left with just 1. I have called numbers of stores but none of them had baby chicks right now. Does anyone know a place that I could get baby chicks at? I...
  19. Sunshinechickies

    Help please !!! Newly hatched baby chick with liquid coming out of vent

    Hi all! I just had my first egg hatch, a baby silkie. She had fluffed up so I took her out of the incubator, I noticed a strange water-like liquid coming out of her vent? It’s very watery and i need help ASAP! I really don’t want anything to happen to her.
  20. M

    Mud ball caused foot injury??

    I just noticed a piece of mud or poop on my 5 week old chickens toe. I soaked it in warm water and got it to come off. However, it totally left an indent and his foot is misshapen! It looks like his toe nail could easily be pulled off it is like dangling on from the indent. Is he ok? What can I...
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