
  1. K

    Cuddling, piling, hot or cold??

    I have 7 week old chicks, we live in Maine and the temps outside are now around 50-60 degrees F during the day and around 40 degrees F at night. Is this a safe temp to move them outside? The are fully feathered and we tested some time outside today. When I went outside to check on them before...
  2. J

    No vent holes on chinese incubator

    I have a 35$ cheapo incubator for my first hatch, 10 out of 12 eggs have embryos and I'm on day 18. I've seen reviews of this one with fluffy chicks running around inside that also had ducks in the same batch so I think I'm good but there's no obvious ventilation. Unless the lip around the dome...
  3. J

    New here

    I've googled and used info off this page so many times I figured I might as well join! I'm about a 10ish month chicken owner maybe less so far. Got eggs in an incubator already!
  4. S

    Need help with winter baby Orpington chicks

    I just got 6 baby orphingtkn chickens. I believe I got them when they were about two weeks old. They are going on 3.5-4 weeks now and I’m not sure what to do with them with the winter weather. We live in a cold climate so right now in February it’s 30-40 degrees in the day time and about 20...
  5. G

    Little Babies with Fun Genetics!

    I recently hatched 3 chickens! They are so so cute, but I was surprised by how two of them look! The black silkie, named Susuwatari, was from hatching eggs ordered online. The naked neck, Mr. Crocker, is a very beautiful cross between a large-combed green egg layer and a showgirl silkie roo mix...
  6. Carolinataborda

    New chicken mom in Central Florida

    Hi guys! I am NEW to raising backyard chickens in the Central Florida area. I have Polish (6weeks old), Easter eggers and Green Queens (7 weeks old). I’ve been loving this journey of learning something completely new and am really enjoying the community around raising chickens!! I’ve...
  7. R

    Rescue Hen

    Hey everyone!! I volunteer for a chicken rescue charity, I got asked to take in a young chicken as was found in someone’s garden. Nobody had chickens around so not sure where it came from. I just wondered if anyone has an idea what he/she could be? Also is it is a he or she..? 🤣 It’s very...
  8. Eeubank928

    EE pullet or roo - 5-6 weeks old

    I have my second round of chicks, and I’m suspecting that one of my EEs is a roo. They were all apparently sexed. But so was the last bunch, and one of my Orloffs ended up being a roo and I was able to figure it out relatively quickly. Anyways! I have 1 buff Orpington and 2 EEs (one white and...
  9. GoldenBlossoms

    Meet Shoto!

    Got some new baby chicks the other day but this one stood out the most. I don't think I have ever seen a Polish chick like it x3 Her/His name is Shoto lol
  10. Duckwo

    I need help

    I was planning to get 2 female ducks. 1 khaki Campbell, and 1 Pekin. Today my grandmother came in and handed me a box that had 2 ducks inside. I asked her what kinds they are and she doesn‘t know, but says that the man told her they were both female. Is there any way to find out what kind of...
  11. Chickenwithnobrim

    Help!! Sick chick

    So i have 3 chicks and one has been having slightly odd poops and seems sick. It had really light tan poops and now just had really bad diarrhea with some mucus on my hand. They are on unmedicated feed and im concerned about coccidiosis. I can pick up meds tomorrow but im not even sure if thats...
  12. K

    Heating and brooder setup week 3

    These chicks are three weeks old. Interestingly, we have two salmon favorolles and one is the biggest and one is the smallest. Sometimes in the mornings, all four of the fairly normal sized chicks are on top of the radiant heat just chilling out but the smallest is still underneath. I feel bad...
  13. DuckDuckPromise

    How Many Weeks?

    Lord’s Willing, how many weeks do y’all usually give before being able to guess genders on chickens? Our babies are all mixes, so no auto sexing. (I don’t think so anyways, from what I understood if they aren’t specific breeds, there’s not autosexing traits, right?) They are a little over 3 weeks!
  14. C

    Elector PSP in Laundry (Children in Home)

    I bought some Elector PSP for our chicken coop mites. I bought the vial at the feed store and put it in my canvas bag for safekeeping. Well, it leaked. I didn’t want to throw the bag away so I threw it in the wash. We are about ten loads past that day and the drum still smells like Elector PSP...
  15. katie_94

    Later hatch and by itself. Need advice.

    Yesterday on day 17, 13 or the 19 eggs I have incubating hatched and were causing chaos for one egg that I could tell would take about 24 hours pip to zip. Today on day 18, I moved everyone else to the brooder and this 14th chick finally hatched without interruptions about 2 hours later. The...
  16. Barnyardgroupie

    Emergency hatch- 2 day old peafowl very weak

    Good morning all! Good news, my little guy/gal was still alive this morning! Yes, I did happy cry 😢 Question/concern: the baby CAN stand BUT falls over after a few steps (normal for new hatchlings). I’ve dipped it’s beak into the water, but it’s to weak to care. Is there something I could...
  17. Barnyardgroupie

    Emergency hatch completed- now what?

    Hello all! Happy to be here and excited to read and learn all of the tips and tricks you all have to offer! Current situation: I just completed an emergency hatch with my first peacock. They popped Friday night around 6pm, this morning with no progress and lots of sad chirps I performed a very...
  18. ButtonNomies

    Colour ID Button chick

    Hey peeps, I had a single chick hatch out from a batch. Can I have an idea on the colour ID? It's mostly bright yellow except the top of its head is showing silver and has very faint silver marbling ... so is this baby a silver pearl or silver redbreast or some other? Thankyou ❤
  19. Q

    Rejected Chick

    There was a lost chick in my yard today. I think he must have been recently hatched because I found a peahen laying a nest on the other side of the fence. I brought him to her and she hissed. I tried putting him under her feathers but she keeps pecking him. The chick won't stop running to me...
  20. A


    Does anyone know how to treat a chick with wry neck? We’ve got a silkie chick (probably a rooster) with wry neck. He is a about a week and a half old. He’s in the brooder with 7 other chicks do you have any advice on what I can do? What are the risks? Can he die from it? (I do not cull my...
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