
  1. S

    Help with breeds please - pot luck selection of eggs

    Here are our baby chicks at 1 day old and 3 weeks old, any ideas what they might be. Based in the uk if that helps. Thanks in advance 🐣😊
  2. T

    Silkied feather cochin chicks

    Here I have two splash silked feather Cochins, I also have a blue silked feather Cochin along with a black silked cochin.
  3. J

    Everything that went wrong with my first hatch

    Hi there, I'd like to share my experience with my first hatch ever. We got chickens two times before, but those were hybrid chickens and they died after 3-4 years. After that, we decided to not keep chickens anymore, but when we found an Omlet Chicken coop, we finally were ready for chickens...
  4. Shimmerpuppy

    Need a better waterer

    Hi all, We are about a month away from adding to our flock, and I'm trying to prepare. I've raised baby chicks before, and I used the plastic water that screws on to the red base and gravity feeds to water the chicks. I hate that thing. Mine doesn't tighten down all the way (it jumps the track)...
  5. B

    Rogue Rooster Hanging Out with Our Girls??

    Hey all! So we transported our chicks to our coop a week ago and they are loving their new home and their new run. We have an open run that is heavily shaded and we let them out almost the whole day for the first time yesterday. I am a stay at home mom and am here most of the time and check on...
  6. J

    I think my favorite is a roo?

    We have 3 almost 10 week old EE, and I think one of them may be a roo 🤦🏻‍♀️. The other morning one of them started honking in the AM 🤣 and that same one made that same sound but a little more defined (I think). If this is a roo 😭😭, she/he is handicapped due to some crooked toes (tried...
  7. MysticOutcast

    Dark Brahma Roo over Barred Plymouth Rock?

    I read somewhere that this mix creates black sex links, but haven’t been able to find any other information about them. I’ve started hatching eggs recently from my flock and the third “bsl” hatched this morning, they’ve all come out black with patterns and feathered legs, however this third one...
  8. Disintegration

    Rambling About My First Few Days of Chicken Keeping

    I woke up earlier than normal today to check on my chicks because of the amount of noise they were making. They're in my room, and I heard tons of scratching and pecking at the walls of their brooder. When I finally pulled myself out of bed, I looked into the brooder to see a HUGE hole they had...
  9. Hilltop Flock

    Chicks from my first hatch!

    1 week old barnyard mixes. 1&2 are BSL roo and EE hen 3&4 are BSL roo and Blue Rock hen.
  10. S

    Urgent help please!!! Baby chick on it’s own

    So I had 2 pekin bantam chicks and polish bantam the chicks had breathing problems and was sold by a dodgy owner they came ill there over 2 weeks old my 2nd pekin has just died today. My polish bantams now all on its own but it isn’t ill it’s perfectly fine. Will it be ok on it’s own even tho I...
  11. RiXiBLu

    Where should my baby chicks be at?

    So I just got 4 baby chicks from the feed store and I’ve put them in a big rectangular bucket with food, water, bedding, and a red heat lamp. But the only place I can put them are on my back porch and the low outside is about 56 degrees Fahrenheit. My back porch has a roof and it’s on a high...
  12. M

    1st time hatching chicks....pullet???

    I am very new at sexing chicks at all, I have gone through my 17 chicks and marked the ones I'm guessing are cockerals. However, this 1 chick is having me still on the fence. I labeled it as a girl by wing, but I'm not very positive at all. Could be a week old today, sat or sun as my eggs...
  13. JessBradley

    Chicken Addiction

    Went to the local feed store and Oops! Apparently, somewhere along the way I blacked out and came home with 4 more chicks. It's been almost 2 days and the husband still hasn't realized it🤣🤣🤣 IG @Motherofpoultry
  14. B

    Sexing 3 week old speckled sussex

    Hi I’m wondering if anyone can help me to try and identify the sex of speckled Sussex they are 3 weeks old? Can anyone help.
  15. Molly Mojo

    Meet my newest Sapphire Splash!

    Ghost already is a ham for the cam. I already have one (3months) from same hatchery and just love her demeanor and beauty. Since a couple of girls that had been on back order for so long, I added two more of this particular breed. She is joining another Sapphire Splash and 2 Blue Laced Red...
  16. Glaser Coop

    Dont know what breed of pullets i bought

    2 weeks ago my wife and I bought 4 chicks that are supposed to be female pullets. However, I dont recall the breed that we bought. Could anyone help identify what breed we bought.
  17. D

    Advice needed on assimilation

    Here’s the situation. I have 1 laying adult hen, 9 months old. I also have 4 chicks, 11 weeks old , that I have been slowly introducing over the past month. Everyone is co-habiting, but they are separated by baby gates, both in the run and in the coop at night. There have been minor skirmishes...
  18. Maritai

    My orphan chick got attacked by my dog. Help!

    So it’s been a month since we were given an orphan chick to take care of, since we have another chicken who we thought would take him under his wing which she didn’t sadly.. Anyways, he’s a fearless little guy (or girl idk) he’s not scared of our dogs, of us, anything really. He’s so curious...
  19. Maritai

    My orphan chick was attacked by my dog. Help!

    So it’s been a month since we were given an orphan chick to take care of, since we have another chicken who we thought would take him under his wing which she didn’t sadly.. Anyways, he’s a fearless little guy (or girl idk) he’s not scared of our dogs, of us, anything really. He’s so curious...
  20. FavreFarm

    Moving broody hen

    hello everyone. I’ve had a broody hen sitting for a while and decided to get some babies to add to our flock. Never attempted this before and I would like to do everything correctly. I have a few concerns if anyone has advice. 1- we have 16 babies coming. How many can she realistically take...
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