barred rock

  1. Silviaschicks

    Barred Rock lovers thread

    Hi! I couldn't find a thread for people with BRs, so here's one. I know a lot of people on here own BRs/have owned BRs at some point. This thread is for BR lovers ONLY, please do not come here to make fun of them. I currently have one BR, Henny Penny (picture heavy):
  2. U


    Just wanted to pop on here and share my BO and BO/BR mixed chicks that I got from a farmer friend and let my broody hen hatch! I have three grown chickens but we’re looking to expand our flock. Excited to see how these little ones turn out! Anyone have experience with Orpington and Barred rock...
  3. V

    Who’s Your Daddy?

    I have 8 baby chicks that were sired (proper term?) by a Barred Rock or a Sliver Laced Polish. I’m fairly certain about the hens each chick came from. If y’all could help me identify a sire and/or gender I’d be very greatful! (I’ll post updated pics in about 6 weeks-if I remember, lol). They all...
  4. TwistyTW

    Barred rock chick

    What gender do you think this little one is? It’s only a day old, but I heard you can tell by the dots on their heads and their legs. Sorry for the lighting! I can get better photos if requested.
  5. S

    Do I have a roo? Barred Rock

    I picked up a few of these littles last week at my local farm supply. Was "told" they were all pullets, but the more I watch the lighter one, I'm convinced he's a roo. I need an expert eye to confirm before I have to give him away. Tried to capture the white spot on the head, lack of...
  6. L

    Male or Female Barred Rock

    I’m wondering if this chick is a hen or a rooster. She (or he) is definitely bigger than my other barred rock chick. All my chicks are supposedly 4 weeks old. First two pics are the one I suspect to be a roo, second two are the smaller chick. Thanks for the help!
  7. D

    Barred Rock Bullying

    Good day. We have a flock of 11 hens 11 months old. 5 Barred Rock and 6 RIR’s. The BR’s are chasing the RID’s off the feed and water. One RIR is picked on by all the birds. We tried sprays, peepers and separation but the Barred Rock just won’t stop picking on the Reds. Our coop is 8 x 10 and...
  8. Barredrocker99

    Chicks first night in coop

    I have some new chicks that are about five and a half weeks old. They’ve been staying in my room with me since I got them, but what I had them in was getting a bit too small for them. I put them in the run tonight with the big girls in a dog crate. I’m going to introduce them using the playpen...
  9. Silling

    Which is which?

    Two eggs hatched today. The father of both is barred rock but one mother is ISA brown and the other is Cinnamon Queen. Can you tell me which is which?
  10. Silling

    Newest baby!

    The first of the eggs our Malia is sitting in have hatched! This one is the cross of a black cochin mother and barred rock father. Any name suggestions?
  11. Harun

    Chicks going away from the heat source. Why?

    I now have 3 Barred Rocks because I sadly lost one to unknown events. One thing I realize from my Barred rocks is that they tend to stray away to the heat lamp. They are only 4 days old so they should need a lot of warmth, yet they are going away from their source of heat. I'm thinking my 4th...
  12. WhatTheCluck89

    Sold as "AZURE" mix?(+ the rest for fun) 5 week picutre for now (WILL UPDATE)

    Just to be clear, I understand it is probably too early to tell what sex these dudes are, I have my guesses, but I'm a total noob when it comes to chickens. I'm mostly curious what this chicken (chicken #1) really is because I have a feeling like "azure" isn't actually a recognized breed. I...
  13. yerawizard_Kristen

    My Little Flock

    So we've had our girls (hopefully all are girls) since 03/28/21, and we believe they were somewhere around 5 days old when we got them. Based on their development they seem to be almost 4 weeks old now. They had a field trip outside and we finally got some better photos! I'll do individual...
  14. T

    Breed and gender?

    I got some pullets labeled Asian Black's from TSC, and this one started showing different coloring than the others. It looks like a barred rock to me, but just wanting to verify. Also, unsure of the gender. It's about 6 weeks in the photos.
  15. Doodledoo4

    Pasty butt in barred rocks only

    Hello! This is our first time raising chicks! We have 13 total and a variety of breeds (Easter eggers, barred rocks, and some brown ones). All from the same local hatchery delivered to our local feed store. We brought them home 3 days ago and initially just one had pasty butt and now 2 more...
  16. B

    Is this a barred rock?

    We adopted two barred rocks, sexed to be pullets. However, while one of the pullets’ feathers are coming in normal, the other one’s feathers are coming in a little different colored, not having the distinctive pattern. I’m guessing that purchasing them from TSO might have something to do with...
  17. silverchick_161

    Barred Rock Pullet?

    This is one of my 6 week old chicks from Meyer Hatchery. We got a straight run of brown egg layer assortment. I'm thinking this is a female barred rock. Anyone aggree or disagree?
  18. Chxlove

    Barred Rock Roo?

    First, I know it is early and you really can't know for sure till they're much older. But, the research I've done so far on Barred Rocks makes it seem like males are pretty easy to pick out pretty quickly. From everything I've seen, my 3.5 week Eleanor is looking more like an Elmer. He's the...
  19. 23kthistlethwaite

    Barred Rock Gender

    Hi everyone! I had posted about my barred rock supposedly pullet a couple weeks ago and got mixed responses on whether she was a pullet or cockerel. She is 7 weeks tomorrow and just wanted to hear your thoughts. My guess is pullet since that’s what we bought her as. Also she doesn’t look to me...
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