
  1. Exhibitionhouse

    RIR and barred rock Gender?

    I have two barred rocks and one of them looks lighter than the other which is making me think it's a roo and my RIR is the most assertive of the bunch. I was also wanting to add a blue australorp to our flock, but are they heat hardy? were in New Orleans and it gets up to 99 here. All of them...
  2. S

    Barred Rock - Is it a hen or roo?

    Our barred rock is nearly 5 weeks old and I am still not 100% sure if its a hen or a roo, we really want a hen. Would love to know what you guys think.
  3. MysticOutcast

    Dark Brahma Roo over Barred Plymouth Rock?

    I read somewhere that this mix creates black sex links, but haven’t been able to find any other information about them. I’ve started hatching eggs recently from my flock and the third “bsl” hatched this morning, they’ve all come out black with patterns and feathered legs, however this third one...
  4. PlentifulPrairie

    Is this a barred rock rooster?

    Hi I ordered 3 barred rock roosters to add one to my flock. This dark one looks different than the rest? Thoughts on breed and sex? Last photo is of one of the other roosters.. which I can tell is definitely a rooster. They are 5 weeks old.
  5. Jamiedanielle55

    Solid black “barred rock”

    First time chicken momma here! I got two “barred rock” pullets from a local feed store. They’re going to be two weeks old tomorrow (I’m assuming their hatch date was about two days before I got them). Chick one is smaller and just getting white on her wings. Chick two is larger, nearly all black...
  6. Barredrocker99

    Chickens paralyzed from fear?

    Hello all! I have a flock of ten hens, and everyday I let them free range in my yard all day until they’re ready to go inside the coop. I live in the middle of the woods in Massachusetts, so naturally there are predators, though we have a dog that spends most of her time outside with them, so...
  7. K

    Barred Rock

    This might be a stupid question. But if my BR rooster and my BR hen were to breed they would produce BR chicks right? Note they are not from the same flock. Don’t judge newbie here!
  8. PandemicChickens

    Pandemic Chickens

    Hello from downstate Illinois. I am new to chickens. My nieces, daughter, and I picked up day old baby chicks from Farm and Fleet on March 13th, the same day the governor ordered the shut down of the state. The timing was a complete coincidence, I had wanted to get chickens for years. Earlier in...
  9. P

    Mixed flock

    I have seen negative posts about silver laced Wyandotte’s. My slw are great with my flock which includes silkies, barred rocks, sapphire gem, Cochin,and bantams. I have one slw that’s the leader of the flock. She is first to exit the enclosure in the morning and last to go in at night. She lets...
  10. S

    Beauty? Or a beast?

    We recently got straight run barred rocks, however one has me scratching my head! They were all the same age from the same hatchery I’m assuming they were from tsc but alas from the same shipment... one I have no doubt is a roo, the others comb hasn’t grown, is a pink not read but it’s heavily...
  11. charlestonchickens

    Barred rock pullet or cockerel?

    Hello! I know there are many other forums of people asking the same thing and I have read them all, but I can't seem to figure out if my barred rock chick is a cockerel or pullet. He/she is about 3 weeks old now (I got them at Tractor Supply on April 4th). It had a pretty defined white spot on...
  12. TEaCup Acres

    2 week and 7 week chicks

    Hi! Selling our mixed breed backyard chicks. The boys are hoping for $5 each, but I’m open to offers. :) Mixed breeds, good egg layers, not show quality. Our roos are a Cochin, langshan, and Japanese bantam. Our hens are RIR, Black ameracauna, Plymouth Rock, Easter egger, Delaware, and...
  13. MG2019

    Olive egger or barred rock?

    A few months ago we picked up 2 olive egger chicks and one maran chick. But now as I’m looking at one of our olive egger chicks I’m seeing she looks like a barred rock. She hasn’t started laying yet so I don’t know. But I was really hoping for olive eggs. Is it possible for her to look like a...
  14. L

    is my barred rock is hen or roo?

    my barred rock chicken (supposed to be a hen) has been taking on some qualities of a rooster. I can’t tell if it is becoming an adult or is a roo. It crows but not like my other rooster at all. When I looked up hens crows, it sounded similar. But I can’t tell if it’s just trying to crow because...
  15. emmakate

    itchy chicks

    my 2 chicks (5w & 6w old) have been scratching themselves so much lately. especially under their wings. i thought it was just because new feathers growing, but my other 3 chickens weren’t like this. the chicks also have super dry and flaky skin. whenever i hold them, there’s always lots of dry...
  16. emmakate

    is this chick male or female?

    he/she is about 2 weeks old. we got her from a breeder close by. idk if he sexed them very well or not. she/he is a barred rock chick.
  17. PVC gravity waterer

    PVC gravity waterer

    My girls started with a small 3 quart hanging waterer in their coop. This works well for a day but I’m trying to streamline my chores. I added some water cups to pvc and a 5 gallon bucket above. They are still trying to figure it out but I hope it works! I’ve heard mixed reviews on these waterers.
  18. E

    Broodie hen or no?

    So I have a Barred rock hen who will sit on her eggs here an there durring the day. She roosts at night with the others however doesn't like me messing with her eggs. I'm new when it come to broodie hens. So bare with me. But is this normal? Isnt she suppose to sit on the eggs at night as well...
  19. chickenreyna

    9 week old barredrock & EE

    Does anyone know if the barredrock will be bigger than the ee once fully grown? They are same age and both are pullets and as of now my barredrock is bigger. I could of sworn the EE is larger than the rock..
  20. F

    What breeds of chickens do I have?

    Where to begin? I was originally think the black chicks were barred rock, but after looking a little closer, some have a redish brown tint to their faces which made me think black sex-link. However, even the ones who don't have this red coloring still have white on the top of their heads. Any...
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