
  1. Wonderling

    Done: Treating Wing/Back Injury? and Dispatching Rooster?

    Hen: Poppy the Australorp She was getting a bit bald from the big rooster who I re-homed a few days ago, trying to move her into the other coop resulted in the little Polish rooster being a psycho and keeping her forced in a corner and accosting her anytime she tried to go anywhere. We...
  2. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Please Help! Injured, Bleeding Beak

    Hi all, we just noticed that our RIR ("Willow") has a cracked and chipped beak (two different spots). It's hard to capture but she had a crack down the side and a little chunk taken out at the top. It looks like it had been bleeding pretty good, since her beak was caked in old blood (and at that...
  3. KaleDaDuck

    My Guinea baby keet is bleeding!!

    So its been 15 hours since the egg pipped and so i tried to be gentle with manual hatch i kept watering it slowly with warm water checking condtantly for veins.. So there was just a little bit of shell remaining and the chicken got it head of it... So i thought why dont i get it out of the egg...
  4. R

    Help please!!!

    so basically I was an idiot! I had 5 duck eggs in an incubator and 4 of them hatched there’s one left in the incubator and it was moving and peeping and it stoped for about 8 hours and I googled what to do and i read that the duckling could suffocate so I put a small hole in the shell along the...
  5. K

    Bleeding and grey comb

    my chicken Maddie, a brown Cochin is a year old, recently she’s been not leaving her coop, and laying a lot of eggs. When I went to check on her one day, her face was bleeding a lot and her comb was grey and scabbed. I include pictures (of her poop too in case it might help?). Please help my...
  6. Beckrns

    Prolapsed duck penis

    Hi I've just been down to check on my ducks and discovered what I'm pretty sure is my drakes prolapsed penis. It is/has been bleeding as there is blood around the area and around an inch or so of his penis is stuck out. I'm assuming due to too much action during the mating season and he may have...
  7. H

    quail foot bleeding

    hi one of my male quails foot is bleeding and i belive the nail was ripped off, i went to check on them and he had started bleeding, he had a bit of poop on that foot but i did not rip it off. i put flour in a carrier with him in it to help stop bleeding and it is yet to stop as he has been...
  8. JenJae

    I have no idea what I'm doing...

    We have a broody hen who is in the process of hatching 6 eggs total. Three of the chicks arrived late last week, and two hatched yesterday, one egg still in the wing. When I left for work yesterday the two newest chicks were just emerging. When I got home one was perfectly fine, the other had...
  9. M

    Frostbite Emergency

    This is my second winter with chickens and here in Michigan, we have been dealing with some very strange and cold weather; because of this, I have been struggling with frostbite most of this winter. I have been monitoring all of my chickens everyday to make sure everything is looking ok but...
  10. T


    Both of these chicks vents were being pecked on by my other chicks when I was at school, by the time I got home they were both bleeding, one worse than the other. The worse one or the white chick in the images below a vent began swelling. Both chicks released vent fleet and these are they're...
  11. Chickadooo

    Chicken comb torn and bleeding. Beak tip broken and bleeding.

    Chickens comb is partially torn off and bleeding. The top part of her beak tip is broken and bleeding. I just brought the chicken in the garage, cleaned off her comb with a warm wet cloth, applied a mixture of silver gel, anitibiotic ointment, and coconut oil to the comb and the broken beak tip...
  12. VTChicky

    Torn comb, should we separate?

    So I tried to find an answer on the forums, but I can't seem to find a question with my exact issue. One of our little ladies tore part of her comb somehow, not really sure how she did it, most likely on the fencing, but we're almost positive it wasn't any of the other hens, they're ally pretty...
  13. Kaeny

    Rooster keeps losing wing feathers and is shaking

    I have a rooster that I bought from the fleamarket about a month ago. He finally is getting along great with the hen that I have but since a few days ago I see that his wing looks really bad and now it seems that he’s losing more feathers on his body right under the wing. Also I noticed that he...
  14. HalfaceMischief

    Hen bleeding from mouth?

    Today (About 20 minutes before I posted this) a bobcat came by and was on top of the chicken run, it didn't hurt my hens but it did scare them quite a bit. One of my black australorps has a habit of wedging herself into a small space in the coop whenever any perceived predator comes around...
  15. MotherOfChickens

    Toenail injury question

    So my 5 and a half month old Welsummer somehow injured her toenail yesterday. It looks like she somehow cracked the nail causing the quick to bleed. Anyway, I used gauze soaked in ice water as a cold compress then held her toe in cornstarch to stop the bleeding. Once the bleeding was under...
  16. Clucking_Caramel

    Rooster's Spur Torn Off?

    I have a flogging silkie rooster. We had him outside yesterday while I added chicken wire to the peep pen since they have been escaping (Found them all). I think he cut his legs walking over the chicken wire since I have seen him walk over it and he was bleeding badly. I applied a spray designed...
  17. MamaPeahen

    URGENT! Peachick leg caught in door

    My brother had accidentally closed our heavy wood door on my peachick's leg, and I found her bleeding. She doesn't seem to want to put any pressure on it, and I'm unsure if the leg is broken, her toes may also be broken. She was bleeding from her knee, and is sleeping in my lap right now. I'm...
  18. MsMickeyMom

    Young chicken pecked on top of head!

    First, I have had chickens for about 5 years and this is the first year I've had problems getting the older ones used to the new, little ones (12 weeks old). I have been noticing they were picking on one in particular. It is one of the littlest. Yesterday, I found her trapped by the older...
  19. S

    Chicken bleeding, feathers gone

    Hi. I'm new here. I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what's happening to my hens. First, I had to many roosters (8 hens & 6 roosters). I had one hen about a month ago that had lots of blood coming from the back of her back. Around the area where the tail feathers stick up but like just...
  20. ForTheLoveOfFarming

    Are they pecking each other to death??

    My chicks are about 3 weeks old and I've had them for two weeks. I just noticed today that most of them have what appears to be peck marks on their backs! Feathers are missing, and some are even bleeding! What is going on and why?? - It's the same spot on all of them. - Some have it worse than...
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