breed id

  1. S

    6 week old chick breed id help!

    hello all! I am raising my first batch of chicks and now that their feathers are coming in I’m trying to ID breeds. I got a rainbow layer mix and I think I have 6 or 7 different breeds, but I’m not positive. Also i’m pretty sure they’re all pullets but i don’t know how to tell. Please help! ^...
  2. D

    Duckling ID and colouring questions

    Hi there! I’m new to the forum (and to duck ownership!) and I’m hoping I can get some confirmation or insight. We purchased 4 khaki campbells from a local farmer - but did not see parents. The ducklings were all mixed colours - more so than we expected for our chosen breed, and of those we chose...
  3. Z

    Bantam chick breed ID

    1 2 3 Hello :) As many of us have done this time of year, I walked into Tractor Supply to buy feed and walked out with 4 chicks! Lol All were “assorted bantams”. They all have clean legs and 4 toes. All about 2 1/2 weeks old. One I have already ID’d as a golden sebright The other 3 I’m really...
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