
  1. AGeese

    Geese Breeding

    Several of you let your geese do their thing, but I'm just wondering why we don't have more breed and trait related geese discussion? With so few available domestics in the states I would think this would be new ground. We're pretty much all raising heritage breeds, but beyond these varieties...
  2. missmaqs

    What Breed? Unusual chick

    I had an awful bobcat massacre that wiped out half of my flock, so we were so excited that one of our remaining eggs hatched. I have no idea what breed she is as we have a few unique guys if you could lend a hand! My roosters were a silver laced polish and a white silkie. My hens were either...
  3. proudduckowner22

    Olive Egger Breeding

    Hi, I got F1 olive egger roosters, whose parents are black copper maran and legbar. Was wondering if I bred the roosters to my Lohmann brown hens who lay a nice brown egg, or my buff orpington hens, will I get the green eggs that a olive egger should lay? Thanks!
  4. Shabby Chic-Hens

    has anyone ever tried this...

    has anyone ever made a frizzle, naked neck, cochin, polish mix? 'cause I think that would look (mom says like kentucky derby fried chicken) very... um... interesting... I don't want to hurt any chicken's feelings, but that mix would look like a fluffy footed turken that had been electrocuted...
  5. D

    Relocating my duck's egg to her "new" nest. Should I do it?

    I have two muscovy ducks. The female laid her first egg last Friday. She chose one of the holes she made on the ground as her nest. Last morning and earlier this morning, however, she laid another 2 eggs in the duck house, which means she has two different nests in two different locations. I'm...
  6. H

    Breeding Red, Blue, and Black New Zealand Rabbits?

    Hello! I’m getting a trio of new Zealands but can’t decide on color combos. The breeder has Red, Black, and Blue NZs. What should I get??? One of each? What color buck should I pick? (I don’t want to have siblings breed so my doe and buck need to be from different litters) I know nothing about...
  7. proudduckowner22

    Blue X Black Swedish cross?

    Hey y’all, was wondering what colour would the offspring be of a black X blue Swedish cross? Since breeding two blue Swedish results in either black, blue, or splash ducklings, and breeding a black and splash ducks would make blue ducklings, what would the blue x black Swedish cross ducklings...
  8. Cloverr39

    1 copy dominant white over something red roo + black hen. What are possible offering?

    My rooster is a dominant white with red leakage on the wings and streamers. I will be breeding him to black (carrying recessive white) hens. I think 1 hen is starting to show silver leakage in the crest now that she's molting. In theory if he passed on dominant white to black, then the chicks...
  9. proudduckowner22

    Breeding Crested Duck With Non Crested Duck

    Hey all, I have a cool breeding project for my ducks that I got few questions on. I have a crested Cayuga duck hen she has a little crest on the back of her head and I was wondering if I would be able to breed her to my other duck breeds such as maybe a buff drake or khaki Campbell drake, or...
  10. T

    Which Rooster Should I Keep?

    I want to add a rooster to my flock so I can hatch my own eggs. I want healthy chickens that lay a lot of eggs and I like having a variety of colored eggs. We live in Virginia, so the winters are not too bad and the summers can get hot but my coop is in a shady area, so that isn’t too bad...
  11. J

    White Amerecauna x Blue Splash Maran Chick Color

    Wondering what color the chicks will be ( not the eggs) if I cross this white amerecauna hen (I think she’s white with black leakage) to a blue splash marans.
  12. Cloverr39

    Whats the difference between back from paint breeding and black from black+black breeding?

    Okay, so I've seen a lot of people saying that they are using for example: a black rooster from paint breeding. Does it make a difference though? Because as far as I know the dominant white from paint can't be recessive, so why does it matter if the black chicken's parents were black or paint...
  13. hannahsocal

    Advice for breeding BBS (Blue Black Splash) genetics! 🐣

    Calling all BBS breeders and geneticists! After much searching, I have yet to find a single post where there is concise, useful information on bbs breeding - so I’m hopefully starting one here! ☺️ I’m new to the BBS breeding world but am not new to the biology/genetics world, so it would be...
  14. Cloverr39

    Need some general advice on silkie breeding and your thoughts on my birds

    I first got silkies in summer 2021. I fell in love with the breed so much that I've decided I'm going to start breeding them. I've noticed most silkies in my country (with some exceptions and good breeders) are very off looking. They have smaller crests, very poor foot feathering (it's very rare...
  15. W

    How many Chickens can my Rooster handle.

    We have 35 hens and about to get 10 more. They are all free range. We are also getting a new rooster to bring in fresh DNA. Can 1 rooster cover 45 hens? We incubate the eggs and try to brood naturally as well.
  16. alecia555

    Belgian Bantams - Breeding

    hey all!! i’m trying to get into breeding some belgian bantams however i’m not sure about which colours to pair with which. google isn’t giving me a very good answer! i have milifluer, lavander and black belgians can i keep them all in the same pen like you can with some breeds?? thanks in...
  17. felys

    Frizzled Polish / Poland Hen breeding with Silkie Rooster

    Hi all I have a Silkie rooster and a what looks like a Polish frizzle. I would like to know (for future) if these two breeds are ok to breed? My Silkie may not be full breed as he has some hard wing feathers. But other than that, he looks pretty much like a Silkie. Both chickens were hatched...
  18. Canadian Wind

    Breeding Plans!

    Sorry, this might be long! Any experienced Muscovy breeders want to chime in and give me advice on my breeding plans for next year, please? This is my current flock: Drakes: - Cloud, Blue, Pied - Mist, Blue, light Pied - Jewel, Black, Barred - Latté...
  19. GardenAndRoost

    Silkie X Bantam Cochin Breeding Q

    Looking to breed my lavender bantam Cochin roo with a White Silkie hen & a Partridge silkie hen. What type of colouring/ genetic traits could one Expect from this combo!? Would love to hear thoughts on this! Photos attached for fun!
  20. Cloverr39

    How does cuckoo act in breeding

    I was wondering, since self blue in breeding breeding acts the same as black (the only difference being that the chicks carry lavender) How would cuckoo act? I have this silkie chick (I desperately hope she's a pullet) and I think she's a cuckoo. But from far away she looks blue. I'm not...
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