
  1. A

    Broody Silkie Hen

    Need help, advice, tips and tricks!!!! So, my Pearl girl has never show signs of being broody... until I brought some chicks home. But the weird thing is, I tried to sneak them in her coop with her in the evening to get her to be their mommy but she was NOT having it. Well, a week goes by and...
  2. E

    Silkie not laying egg but won’t leave coop without the other hen

    I have two silkie hens and one is older than the other. So when the older one goes to lay her eggs the younger one sits by her and doesn’t leave. The younger one hasn’t started laying eggs yet she just sits there. I just want to know if it’s normal for silkies to do this? Or if it’s because...
  3. Stellasmomma

    Help with Broody Silkie Hen

    Hello all, I have a silkie hen who hatched 5 chicks on April 8th she raised them and stayed by their side until they were 9 weeks old then she went back to just being a sweet little hen she went broody again about 3 weeks ago however I do not want any more chicks this year so she has no eggs to...
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