bumble foot

  1. R

    Can I treat this case of Bumblefoot without Surgery?

    One of my Anconas has lumps on the balls of both her feet. Here is a picture of the worst one. Today, I put her in an Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes, and sprayed blu-kote on her feet. I don't have any duck shoes for her. I plan to do the same every morning and afternoon until she heals. Is...
  2. LenaDee

    Help! Dry, cracked feet on my pullet

    We live in the desert and my poor chicken has these awful cracked feet. Our environment is a mix of dirt/sand with various desert weeds and they have regular outside grazing time whenever my husband or I is home. I’ve looked through pictures of scaly leg mites and bumbles and neither seem to be...
  3. Happyhens3326

    Is this bumblefoot?

    I have two hens that show signs on their feet that looks similar to bumble foot, however neither of them are limping or showing any discomfort from their feet. I have never dealt with bumblefoot before but have done some research on what you’re supposed to do to treat it but what to make sure...
  4. AggieKat

    Bumblefoot in a heat wave

    We are in the middle of a massively awful heat wave in Texas. Temps are in the hundreds with heat index in the 115-120s. To help my girls, I put out shallow pans of cold water and my main hen, Pepper stands in it a lot during the day. She already has bumblefoot starting on both feet 😢 It’s not...
  5. chickenhawaii

    Healing bumblefoot?? Help

    My girls bumblefoot (i think?) has progressively gotten worse over the last few weeks. Trying to treat it but i see no improvement and don’t see how to heal the infection. I don’t have much access to a vet due to living on an island and would like to avoid that if possible. She has been limping...
  6. C

    Hen not putting weight on one leg/foot.

    I have a hen who is not using one leg. My girl is almost 3 years old. She’s a Buff Orpington. Healthy. Fluffy. Still laying. Seems happy except she won’t put any weight on her right foot/leg and will only use it for balance. (She’s getting fairly good at hopping around!) My first instinct was...
  7. Phenajo

    Lame duck Help!

    Hello, hoping someone may be able to offer advice. Our call duck has suddenly become lame in one leg. He is 3 years old and has previously always been in good health. He free ranges in the day in our garden with his brother, and is locked in a coop at night. 2 nights ago when I put him away, he...
  8. Jvillemudkitten


    I know there are several threads on bumblefoot and I swear I’ve combed through them all.. but I figured I would add mine to the mix.. I have a welsh harlequin, free range, who now has her 2nd case of bumblefoot in 2 years.. this time it’s pretty severe. I’ll add photos to the end. It went on...
  9. ellieanne22

    Duckling/Duck Questions

    Hey, everyone! A few weeks ago, I remember seeing a post that was a list of the foods ducks could eat and at what age they could eat it. I looked and couldn't find it again anywhere. Does anyone know which post I am talking about? And if so, could you please link it? Our silly ducklings are...
  10. IslaBean

    Bumblefoot - Don’t know severity or what to do

    Hi! Ruby has three bumps on her foot. She refuses to use her foot at all and tries to walk with just one foot and spreading out her wing for balance. I don’t know the severity of her bumblefoot. Should I treat just with epsom salt baths, or is it sever enough that I should surgically remove it...
  11. D

    Bumblefoot question

    Fairly new chicken mom. I have 15 girls, they just turned a year old. I noticed the other day that one of them had a slightly swollen foot, so I investigated and realized she had bumblefoot. None of the others had swollen feet/lameness or showed any signs but I started checking their feet and at...
  12. N

    Adult quail leg injury. Hen not laying. Culled Bumble bird okay to eat?

    Q1) I have a 16 week old quail who isn't behing like a hen or a roo. It doesnt crow or mount and doesn't have foam. It doesn't lay eggs. The rest of its covey is normal and laying since week 8. No stressers, 15hrs light, good food, tried solitary with very controlled food and also now with...
  13. J

    Duck With Limp, Is It Bumblefoot or Something Else?

    1 year old, female Cayuga, good weight One of my female cayuga's has been limping for around a week. There have been no signs of an open wound and no other ducks are limping. I am including photos. Her toe is swollen but doesn't have the big black scab that would make me think bumblefoot. It is...
  14. L

    Possible bumblefoot

    I recently posted about a chicken that was limping . I think it’s bumblefoot or some kind of infection , it has seemed to form a scab that I took off as much as I could . I’m scared to really cut into it but it doesn’t ooze pus. It does bleed really well though . I have been doing Epsom soaks...
  15. L

    Possible bumble foot

    I have a rooster that has started limping , he seems to have a bubble with possibly yellow pus underneath, I’m thinking it’s bumble foot and want to treat it . It’s in a toe not the foot pad . I’ve heard soaking in epsom salt helps and possibly wrapping the foot . What do you guys think ? This...
  16. X

    My hen has a large round mass in her foot

    For about two weeks now, My hen has had a large swelling in her foot. I'm assuming it's bumble foot, but there is no visible scab. The swelling is also visible on top of her foot. She walks around holding that foot up. Laying eggs fine, eating and drinking as well.
  17. W

    Grangrene in quail?

    one of my hens has had bumblefoot for several months and the treatment isnt working and now it looks like the foot is dying and she is walking on one foot. Is it too late for antibiotics or will i need to amputate/euthanize.
  18. bethanyjbarrette

    Bumblefoot surgery necessary?

    I’ve attached a photo of bumblefoot I discovered today. I’ve never had a chicken with bumblefoot before, so I’m uncertain how to tell if I will need to remove it with a scalpel, or if soaking and wrapping daily will allow it to heal.
  19. LizzzyJo

    What is this on hen’s foot?

    She is a 5 year old lavender orpington. She has some other health issues, but is doing ok. This has been on her foot for about 4-5 months. She will limp for a while then be fine for weeks. It has never spread or changed. No other chickens have foot issues. I’d love anyone’s help, but I am going...
  20. M

    Really advanced bumblefoot?

    Hi there, I've been staying at a farm for about three weeks that has a small flock of ducks for eggs (khaki campbells, runners, and Welsh harlequins). As soon as I got here I noticed that one had a pretty large abscess or bumble or something on the top of her foot. She's not limping, but she...
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