
  1. LilHitzel

    Eggs Cracking Easily

    My hens have constant access to oyster shells, high quality Kalmbach feed, and only a small amount of treats, like soldier fly larvae or veggie scraps. They even have calcium deposits on some of their eggs…so why are their eggshells brittle and cracking easily? Hens are 12 months old btw.
  2. P

    Hens eating too much oyster shell/calcium?

    We're in the height of summer here in New Zealand. I've got 4 orpingtons and one game bantam. All are showing broody bare chests but haven't gone full brood. And all of them are madly chowing down on the freely offered oyster grit. I have one of those inverted wine bottle bird feeders that I...
  3. JesWith3

    Will her egg always come out like this?

    I've got three Starlight Green Eggers. One (Mocha) started laying light teal green eggs on Christmas morning. Number two (Captain) started laying a beautiful deep olive egg three days later. Today, number three (Mocock) started laying. This is her egg pictured and I have no idea what to call...
  4. 3eyondblessed

    Calcium for laying hens?

    Hi there, I have 13 laying Hens, and Im curious to what I can give them to make their egg shells not as soft. They are currently on Nutrena All Flock. TIA!
  5. OutbackQuackers

    Can Ducks Eat Chicken Egg Shells??

    Can Ducks eat Chicken Egg Shells as well as their own, for extra calcium during laying season?
  6. prestoconfuoco

    Shell-less, strange flat egg?

    Hey all, Last night as I was putting my two female ducks away in their house for the evening I found this on the ground in the straw. I think the white spots/'crust' around the edges were mould?—it was near a spot where they'd been doing a lot of digging and kicking up, and we've just had a...
  7. ChickenTenderz

    Soft eggs

    I have 4 RIR that are 11 months old. They've been laying pretty regular since last fall with very few oddities. Beautiful big brown eggs from each pullet. BUT a couple weeks ago, one of my girls started dropping a soft shelled egg from the perch every night. I read on one of the forums to give...
  8. Launchpad

    Duck egg questions

    So my Pekin female, Daphne, has been laying eggs consistently for a couple of weeks now. Only once did I fail to find an egg... until yesterday and today. I didn't turn the coop completely inside out but I searched all her nesting spots. Its possible im missing it but I've found them every...
  9. Alex S

    How to get your hens to eat oyster shells

    Today I came across my first shell-less egg. I make sure to have oyster shell in the run but they seem to never eat it. How do I get them to eat it? Maybe I should tell them no treats until they finish their oyster shell...
  10. Launchpad

    Pekin female laid first egg. Need nutritional advice

    Hello all. So Daphne (pictured) is just over 6 months old and laid her first egg (pictured) this morning (it seems a little small but I think this may be normal for the first egg(s)). I knew it was coming as she has been sleeping in the coop in the same spot and making her little nest in the...
  11. A

    1yr old hen laying spiral shaped membrane and soft shelled eggs

    I have a flock of approximately 1yr old layers. They’ve been good producers and are on a 16% layer along with calcium supplement available. About 4 months ago one started laying a soft shell under the roosting bar about once a week and about once a month there is a strange spiral shaped...
  12. V

    Calcium Pills

    So I have one Pullet who is constantly laying soft shelled eggs. She is a new layer so I know it may take a bit of time but all of our other layers have perfectly fine, hard shelled eggs and lay regularly. They get layer feed and baked shells separately available. This is the only Pullet with...
  13. zimileih

    Only one hen laying soft shell eggs

    I have been seeing a soft shell egg many days when collecting my eggs. I've started to pin down who is laying them and I believe it is one of my buff orphingtons. All the other hens are laying normal eggs. They are on layer feed and there is a bowl of oyster shell in the coop. What can I do?
  14. M

    Calcium balls attracted to egg?

    Hi all One of my hens (I am not 100% sure which one) has been for the past 2 weeks atleast, probably longer laying eggs with what I am assuming is calcium deposits attached to the shell of the eggs. They are super tiny round balls some of them rub off but most are super stuck. It almost looks...
  15. TheBirdBabe

    Please help!

    I have a hen that's had some trouble with laying eggs lately. Today I went to check on them since it's been raining & give them some mash. She was up on a perch by herself with her wings dropped (touching the branch). She is a weird one who will lay ANYWHERE! So I took a second to see if I...
  16. 10PekinDucks

    Pekin laying odd eggs

    My many Pekin duck has started laying these odd eggs. This has only been happening for 2 days now. The egg is misshapen and has what appears to be calcium covering the small end. When I tap on it, it sounds more solid or thick on that end. Any ideas or suggestions? We’re about to have freezing...
  17. H

    Hen won't eat oyster shells - continues to have very thin egg shells

    Hi everyone, I'm concerned about one of my chickens and I'm not sure what to do to remedy this situation. She lays eggs with very thin shells. The eggs are also gigantic. It's almost as if there would be enough calcium to create a thicker shell, but because the egg is so big it's stretched...
  18. R

    Rhode island red rooster lameness

    Hi My rhode island red rooster about 5 months old has one leg lame, it is usually lying down and walks crisscrossing. Should i cull the rooster? I have tried giving multivitamins and provide calcium supplements, but no improvement. It seems to get worse as the rooster gains more weight growing up.
  19. T

    Calcium deposits?

    Hi all. I have 13 hens. 6 are currently laying, the others are just about ready. One of my hens (black star chicken) is all of a sudden laying these eggs (pic attached) with calcium deposits on the shells. I feed 16-18% protein organic layer feed from scratch and peck feeds with Kalmbach...
  20. katie_94

    How do you offer oyster shells to quail?

    We have 11 coturnix quails that all live together: 2 boys, the rest females. The 2 boys and 1 girl are our first quails and could be 4-5 months old. We got 8 more after who might be 14 weeks old. My parents feed them Purina 30% Protein Starter Gamebird and Turkey Feed and don't want to buy...
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