canada goose

  1. I

    Hello, I’m new to the website ~ I come here as a novice looking for information & advice, I know I have come to the right place! HELP PLEASE!

    I AM IN URGENT NEED OF ADVICE/INFORMATION! I have a Canada Goose pair (Zeus & Ophelia) with 5 Goslings on my pond. It is their 4th yr here & it is their 3rd clutch. A friend gave me a gosling, basically the same age (1.5 weeks) to see if my pair would adopt it, the original parents of this...
  2. A

    Hello. I am a volunteer at a wildlife rescue animal hospital, and we received an imprinted female Canada Goose.

    Hello. I am a volunteer at a wildlife rescue animal hospital in Southern California, and we received an imprinted female Canada Goose. Her name is Hazel, and she cannot be released back into the wild. Which means she might be euthanized. Everyday that I am at the center, I feed...
  3. MeenameenaGoosieGoose

    new home for our tame Canada G?

  4. Goose in the snake room

    New member

    Hello there, my name is Ritz (yes, like the cracker). I’ve used this site for quite some time to answer many questions I’ve had regarding waterfowl and thought it was about time I became a member. I’ve always loved animals, I started rehabbing snakes a while ago but recently became fascinated by...
  5. S

    How do migratory bird laws apply to hybrids ?

    I spoke to a warden about laws to own canada geese a while back and from what i understood one must purchase from a permit holder and then follow state laws if any apply . oh and never loose that receipt/ form . out of curiosity i asked about hybrid canada geese / migratory birds and how the...
  6. S

    Looking for Canada goose goslings or eggs to purchase

    Hello, We are looking to purchase a canada goose (or canada goose hybrid) fertile egg or gosling asap for our new homestead. Preferably 2. Where can i find them? Does anyone have any for sale atm? Looking for seller with permit to sell them. Please lmk if you know of anyone! THANK YOU!
  7. MountainWoman73

    Wild goslings on the roof.

    A Canada goose mom has hatched eggs on the roof of my school. There are 4 fuzzy goslings up there beeping around. They have water (some puddles) but no clear way down and no food. Mom's still around, I think. What would you do? Can goslings jump from a 2nd story roof onto sidewalk?
  8. Coocoo4Goosey

    Need help on housing lone wild Canada goose

    Back in February a lone Canada goose appeared at our pond. He was sick/injured and sat on the icy edge of the pond for days weeks and barely ate anything. I reached out to our wildlife rescuer and they told me they’d euthanize it since it’s wing was broken. So I’ve been caring for him and...
  9. Phillyndilly

    Philip is being a bully- geese attacking

    Hi everyone I’m new to this site as well as geese and ducks. I want to explain the whole thing so it’ll be long but please read! I’m so confused/ upset.... We have 3 Pekin females ( 3 months) and then found an abandoned Canadian gosling -Philip ( 2 months now) and immediately got him a friend...
  10. Phillyndilly

    Hello from Hudson Valley NY

    Hello everyone! I’m from Hudson valley, NY and am a new duck/ goose owner. Me and my bf ( who also just recently joined the forum) have 3 female Pekins who are 3 months old. We have Philip, a Canadian goose we rescued and he’s 2 months old. His best friend Dillup, a Rouen duck who was also two...
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