
  1. kfsilver

    Fox Attack Questions

    A few days ago I was free ranging my ladies when a fox attacked. I happened to see the attack after two hens had been grabbed, but none dragged away. Based on the footage, it appears the fox grabbed and shook one hen, a New Hampshire Red, but then my Buckeye hen went and attacked the fox. The...
  2. fri2097

    Muscovy ducks, duckling

    Hello, so i got a female that recently hatched 5 ducklings. By now they are around almost 2 weeks old. Recently the weather where i live got rainy with some sunshine. Today in the morning (rainy day) i noticed one of the ducklings separated from the mom and group. It seems to be the runt since...
  3. sscaria

    Betta fish questions!

    Hey everyone! I'm saving up for a 10-gallon tank as well as live plants and gravel. I'm planning on putting shrimp and betta fish in there. Is it fine if I put two female bettas together? I know that a ten-gallon tank is enough space, I'm just wondering if two is too little of an amount; just...
  4. Hball

    Winter care in KY!

    I have a 10x10 with an full sided insulated wood coop house for my ducks. I have been adding straw to the floor (on concrete) since fall so it’s pretty deep. It gets so wet and nasty that I’m wanting to get rid of all the straw and get those rubber mats with the drainage holes like those used in...
  5. N

    Bear mauled chicken

    I need your help, y'all, and your input on what I should do for one of my girls that was badly clawed at by a bear last night. Last night, we had our first successful bear attack (well, successful for the bear). We thought we'd done enough to deter them (we live in the southern Sierras), as...
  6. Z

    Chicken attacked by Hawk (photo attached)

    One of our chickens was attacked by a hawk but luckily we went outside and scared it off before it could kill the chicken although it left a huge wound on the side of her face where her ear is (i believe). We have Neosporin, vetericyn plus, and blu-kote that we are putting on the wound as well...
  7. Diveks

    Tips from those who keep house chickens

    Hey everyone (this one might be a long one), so a little backstory about this girl, got a brahma pullet from a breeder a few months ago. This pullet came with a broken leg which i couldn’t return because i picked her out myself. She looked lively and normal at the breeders but the second day at...
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  9. T

    Adult Wyandote Hen badly bitten on back of neck

    At 1 a.m. tonight I interrupted some kind of animal attack. Likely raccoon. I was late in closing up the coop. My hen was squawking and laying still outside. She was missing a lot of feathers in a few areas, but the only serious wound was on the back of her neck. (See picture.) Initially sprayed...
  10. Pheasant fan Colorado

    I have a few questions about Eliot's pheasants.

    I just purchased a 2 year old male. he is in a pen that is about 15 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 8 feet tall, that also houses my mandarin duck pair, single male peacock, two roosters and a crap ton of pigeons. I have the following questions, 1. I payed $60 for mine, is that a fair price? 2...
  11. Lay-A Organic

    VERY BAD Hen Injury!

    Our poor Red Orpington "Scarlett" was severely injured on her side, while we was away. She was badly over mated by our Rhode Island Red rooster. It is a very deep and gruesome wound. If anyone has any good medical advice for this, Please Share. More images will follow this one.
  12. toastyteddy

    Neglected Chicken Care

    I am in the process of trying to get a flock of (what used to be 15) 6 birds, about a year of age. They have been heavily neglected and abused by their owners, not being fed for weeks, no fresh water or water at all for a week or more at a time, and being closed up in a coop. They haven't laid...
  13. G

    Looking for advice on chicken eye issue

    Hi there, Thanks for reading, I really appreciate any suggestions. About a week ago I noticed one of our hens keeping one of her eyes closed. I kept an eye on her and didn't notice a runny nose or any excess mucous, but her eye stayed closed and began to look like it had some crusted blood...
  14. MageofMist

    Serama Chick Care, Am I Doing It Right?

    I got three Serama chicks at 4 weeks of age, though the black one is 3 week old. They were being given away free to a good home so I quickly jumped into getting them. Just clearing up that I got everything covered for them care wise, as Seramas are fragile critters. Quarantined from current...
  15. M

    Please Help me with this chicken (Warning Graphic Pictures)

    Hello, this is my first time using this website. I have a chicken that got beaten up pretty bad yesterday. Today the chicken was like a normal. This chicken seems to have a hole under the wing. I am asking for you guys help on what I should do in order for this chicken to heal up. Thank You...
  16. 95eanimal

    i need your help to teach me more about ducks! i wanna know more

    hi, we just got 3 male ducks. we think there males cause of this weird feather coming in. I need to know as much as possible. google is not always the best way.
  17. CaliFarmsAR

    ~~~Muscovy Duck Club~~~

    I have seen a lot of duck clubs, but none on this awesome looking duck!! Who doesn’t like Muscovys? I thought I would start one, that way we can learn from others, share pictures, storys, etc. How I got into to them: I have just recently got into this breed and love them already. I was...
  18. Dragonwolfmastr

    Black and white spots on chicken comb

    :frowHi there, My gorgeous hen Rocky has some black and whitish spots on her comb. I thought it was dirt at first, but I tried to wipe it off with my finger and it seems like it's stuck on there. I also checked out some other articles like this, and they said it might be pecking scabs, but I'm...
  19. A

    Tips for raising a runt?

    Does anyone have advice on caring for a runt. I have two chicks, 5 days old, one a male and one a female runt. They were given to me to foster for a farm so that the runt could have a better chance. I have never had chicks before. Any help would be appreciated! I attached some pictures of my chicks.
  20. Fromchickenswithlove

    Chicken attacked by cat, tips on caring for her please

    One of our beautiful girls was attacked by a neighbourhood cat (unusual I know). She suffered several puncture wounds to her neck and was bleeding. We have taken her to the vet and she has been cleaned up and given pain killers and antibiotics. We have made her a sort of chicken hospital in the...
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