
  1. KestrelKite

    Weak baby chicks, eyes closed. Help?

    My Americauna/coachin mix just recently hatched a brood of 8 chicks (she got broody surprisingly late in the year). One of the chicks was smaller than the others, was getting pecked at and wasn’t getting sat on by the hen. It was still wet. Another chick was stuck in the egg with dried membrane...
  2. midnoight

    broody disaster

    Our two australorp broodies hatched out two chicks (one to each hen). Our less aggressive broody rejected her red chick before it had even fully hatched, and I moved it to the aggressive hen's nest with her black chick which was happy and healthy. The nest day- both hens were in the same nest (i...
  3. wingzrooke

    Cut on leg, and problem with bands

    So we put little elastic leg bands on our chicks when they were about a week to a week and a half old, but we thought they'd expand a little (being elastic). Just took them off, and apparently they don't expand at all. Will my quail's legs recover their thickness? It looks kind of like someone...
  4. C

    Norfolk grey incubations??

    Hi all ive recently been incubating mille fleur bantam eggs from my own chickens (in with a male ofcourse) and had some live fertilised norfolk grey eggs given to me for incubation. All my mille fleur eggs are doing perfect in my incubator however, 4 out of 7 of the norfolk grey eggs have blood...
  5. C


    Hi all ive just joined backyard chickens ive been reading posts on here for about 5 or 6 weeks now new to hatching chicks though i have about 24 in an incubator all growing lovely (due to hatch next week!) Mostly mille fleur pekins but 3 norfolk greys and have two in a brooder one almost 2 weeks...
  6. Tater_TotQueenie

    Chick with severe crossed beak? Help??

    This is my first time owning chickens, and of course, we had to end up with a chick with severe crossed beak. Her name is Poppi and she is a 3 week old easter egger and she is a little smaller than the rest of the flock. She is also SUPER noisy and adorable! Since we have been feeding her...
  7. SilkieCharlie

    Hatching eggs day 22

    Hello!!:frow I haven't posted in over a year, oops! Last time was about my silkie rooster, who still has no interest in mating and probably never will... :barnie:old So now on to my story, we decided this year to buy fertilized silkie eggs to put under our broodies. We got 6, on day 14 I...
  8. SweetTea&Chicks

    Food Chicks can Eat

    Besides chick feed what are other foods chicks can eat. Foods such as meal worms or food scraps and also what will be the best chick food. I was looking at threads and people said Purina Start & Grow. I'm also wondering about that because there is a medicated one and I would like to know the...
  9. AvaPrentice

    What breed is my white/blonde hen?

    Hi there, Last week I bought a white/blonde hen. She's a little smaller than a Rhode Island Red but much bigger than a bantam. Also I've got a couple of chicks I'd like to know the breed of. I bought them with the hen but I think they're about a week and a half old. Any help is greatly...
  10. Swastik Choudhari

    What will be the outcome?

    So i m getting two chicken, blue hen and white rooster. I m going to breed them and hatch eggs from them..i was thinking what will be the outcome,what possible colours will their chicks be?
  11. Swastik Choudhari

    Sick chicken.??

    Do i have this chick he is sick i dont know what had happened to him he just keep his head down close to body and does keeps opend and closing his mouth like yawning. Any home remedy for this..?? Like feeding him yogurt or curd or any other thing.Casue i live in village and the vent or medical...
  12. Sergio19Peter

    How to take care of a sick newborn chick

    When a mom lays her first baby chicks there will always be some that may come out sick. Especially after they ate born during the first days of spring in the cold winter. There will be some stuff that you may need to help it survive. First you will need to go to your regular grocery store and...
  13. Swastik Choudhari

    Again broody after laying 7 eggs..??

    I dont know if this is the right forum. I have a chicken (mix of game bird × i dont know)she successfully brood all the chicks she had...after her chicks got old enough she left them and again started laying. She just layed 7 eggs and again had gone broody. Now its 3rd day she had just left...
  14. Swastik Choudhari

    Clipped wings and incubation.

    So i have 3 broody in my coop. i have decided to give them some eggs and let them be mama. my question is that one of those chicken was crazy she use to flight here and there so i clipped one of her wings flight feathers. so now she has gone broody, i m woring about clipped feathers being a...
  15. Shepshill


    At what age do combs start to turn red? After reading the advice for submitting photos, I realized the combs on my chicks are taking shape.
  16. Swastik Choudhari

    Does small egg hatch small chick..?

    Its my first time hatching eggs. I have a pullet which have just started laying...she lays small eggs than regular egg for her breed(as she ispullet). And i know that those egg are fertil as i also have a rooster n she mates with him. My question is can i give her,her own eggs to hatch they are...
  17. C

    what is the gender of my chicken?

    Can anyone help me identify the gender and/or breed of my chick? It is almost 3 weeks old.
  18. C

    my chick pipped but didnt move for the past 2 days !

    hi im having a problem with one of my eggs. well, i noticed it had made a small pip in the shell but after that, it didnt move ! i was tempted to help it so i did. i removed the top of the shell leaving the membrane exposed and increased the humidity. i also covered it in wet tissue except the...
  19. A

    HELP!!! 7 Day Old Sick Chick

    Hello Everyone! I have been combing through several posts over the past few days but havent found anything that fits my particular situation, or answered all of my questions. I went to pick up 10 pullets, 1 cockerel, and 8 broilers from my local hatchery this past Monday. I started them on...
  20. C

    Chick breed?

    My chick is 1 week old and am trying to determine the breed of chick. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
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