chicken breed help

  1. M

    What breed and gender are these?

    Hello, Thanks!
  2. U

    What are these?

    I bought pullets from tractor supply in March 2023 and they are supposed to be: 2 Starlight Green Eggers 1 Prairie Bluebell 2 Golden Comets 1 Sapphire Gem (which I’m pretty sure is actually a rooster) 1 Easter Egger I’m stumped now with figuring out which is which (except for the Golden comets...
  3. F

    Where can I Buy This New Chicken Breed?

    Hey everyone, I have a question: does anyone know where I can buy this new chicken breed? Friesian Holstein Chickens?? Does anyone recognize this breed? Are there more facts about this chickens? Do they look familiar? I have my ideas. I have heard of Holstein cows and Friesian horses, but never...
  4. Sparkzthechickenkeeper

    3/4/5 week old chick breed/sexing help!

    So my babies are now several weeks old (not entirely sure on exact date but around 4/5 weeks old) and I’m still not sure on some of their breeds, and or sex. But I know sexing is still questionable at this age normally This is Dakota and she’s 4 weeks old, unsure of sex tho. She’s an Easter...
  5. Prairie Hills Homestead

    Meyer Rare Breed Assortment

    So I bought 10 rare breed assortment, 5 cockerels and 5 pullets. I know I have a cream legbar cockerel and a Swedish flower, not sure if it's cockerel or pullet. Anyone willing to help? They're 3 weeks old. I have asked the meyer id facebook group too. Just wanted to ask a larger group of people...
  6. SilkiesInSuburb

    Found what I’m pretty sure is young pullet, trying to figure out breed

    My brother and his friend found this young bird in the street (did not appear to be injured or limping, it ran from them very quickly) and asked me to identify if it was a hawk or chicken. I’m positive it is not a hawk and is a chicken (or at least some domestic poultry as it was fairly calm in...
  7. U

    Need help with breed identification.

    Hello! I was hoping that maybe someone here might be able to help me figure out what kind of chicks I have. I have two breeds that are 8 weeks old. I was told I had 2 Black Australorp (back) and 2 Light Brahma (front), but the guy seemed unsure when he helped me out. 😅 Sorry it isn't a better...
  8. Cnjecker

    Barnevelder or Australorp? Or other?

    Hello! First post here. I was given a rooster from a friend who had multiple different breeds. I thought it may have been an Australorp but it’s feathering looks more like a Barnevelder. Could it be a mix? Let me know! :D He’s my first rooster and is very kind to me and our 9 hens. EDIT: I...
  9. Jason Bourne III

    Does anybody know what breed this is?

    I got these at tsc and they didn't know what breed they were! Any ideas?
  10. A

    Can you tell me what breed of chicken this is?

    Can anyone tell me what breed of chicken this is? We got several chicks from Tractor Supply and think they might have been mislabeled when we bought them. Now that they are grown, I don't think they are what they were originally labeled as. We have two of this breed and they have a super...
  11. 5

    Which breed do you think my chooks are?

    So I got these hens from a local farmer, who was said he was selling Golden Comets. My question: Are my hens actually Golden Comets??
  12. connieconnie

    Your opinion Best Backyard chicken breeds? free range, friendly, docile, good egg layers and color

    Hi, I'm new to raising chickens, and I've just recently hatched some barred plymouth rocks! :jumpy However I want to have a few different breeds to have egg color variety (Cream, blue, brown, green etc.). They'll be living in my back yard, free ranging and would ideally like them to be super...
  13. 6chicks1coop

    Asian Blacks? Sapphire Gems??

    We recently purchased these chicks from tractor supply and we are starting to think the bins may have been mislabeled. The two blacks were labeled as Asian Blacks and the two grays we are unsure of their label, but after research we think they could be sapphire gems?? Hoping no roosters, but let...
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