Fryslan Boppe

In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2021
Hey everyone, I have a question: does anyone know where I can buy this new chicken breed?
Friesian Holstein Chickens??
Does anyone recognize this breed? Are there more facts about this chickens? Do they look familiar? I have my ideas.
I have heard of Holstein cows and Friesian horses, but never of Friesian chickens. Please let me know. I came across this video on YouTube..
Lol. Not an actual recognized breed. Creating a breed takes more work than one generation.

But, there are some mixed breeds that are created for egg color and called this or that name by different hatcheries. There are people , like in the video, who create a “breed” to then show and get likes.

If you like the black and white pattern, there are several actual breeds that fit the description. The mottled black and white look is found in a Silver Spangled Hamburg. For a non-recognized mixed breed, Meyer Hatchery came out with “Cookies and Cream” bird that I thought looked pretty nice. But, other hatcheries have probably done the same.
Another video says it's a mix of 3 breeds. That's all they are..... mixed breeds not a breed.
Doesn't look like he has anything really set yet since he's got different colors, different skin colors, different comb types etc.
Looks like the mottled pattern came from their Pinta Pinta
Not familiar with that chicken breed. The term Holstein Frieshian is the name of the Holstein breed of cattle that most people all people just call Holstein.
Then as already mentioned there are Friesian Horses too.
Not sure but may even be Friesian sheep.
My guess is that there is either a type of chicken from the region where these other animals are from or somebody has developed a cross and compared the color pattern to a Holstein’s?
No clue if it’s even a thing or where to find that type of chicken.
He says what they are in another video. Its his secret blend of certain breeds, and to his credit its careful to point out that his other chickens are “actual breeds” while these are his mixes.

Nothing wrong with trying to create your own breed. I find it great fun myself. Its just a long process to get it right. Sounds like he likes the color pattern, so he’ll have to work to get it coming out on every breeding with the other traits he wants.
The real Friesian chicken breed looks like a gold deathlayer, but replace the black stripes for white instead with a bigger comb and a lighter buff color.


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