chicken genetics

  1. MistRidge

    What would I call this color/pattern?

    Hi all! Pretty new to chickens/genetics here! I'm wondering what this pattern/colour combo might be called for my girl Tansy? Also can someone confirm what her comb type is - I'm still having trouble distinguishing some of them 😅. She's a sweetheart and I love how delicate these markings look...
  2. hannahsocal

    Red Silkie Genetics? Buff vs Red Genetics?

    Hello! 😄 I’m planning on working on a line of red silkies. It seems like there is a lot of confusion out there on the red/buff genetics, so I’m HOPING (🙏🏼🙏🏼) someone can shed some more light on how it actually works. My limited understanding is that buff genes have red diluters and red genes...
  3. Cloverr39

    How would you go about breeding autosexing into a breed that doesn't have it?

    I'm trying to learn about what causes autosexing and how you would go about breeding it into a breed that doesn't have it. What colors does it work on? How many generations would it take to breed it in? Is there a specific gene that causes it or is it multiple things combined? Where I live the...
  4. LunaMarieWolf

    Can someone check over my genetics please?

    Okay, this is going to be a long one. I produced a gradient chicken pattern several years ago and have since lost all of the chickens associated with the line. I am wanting to replicate it. The start was an EE. Rosaline. This was in crisp 2015. I do not know what breeds this EE was made out...
  5. myawesomepullets

    Some Questions About Chicken Genetics

    Hey! I'm continuing my quest to learn chicken genetics. I want to know more about silkie, frizzle, and sizzle alleles, mainly the frizzle/sizzle ones. I know that H+/H+ and H+/h would be normal (non-silkie) feathering, and h/h is silkie feathering, but I don't know how the frizzle/sizzle...
  6. Cloverr39

    What is color leakage? Why is it bad?

    I have black silkie roosters with gold and silver leakage. What does color leakage mean? I was told it gives you a better idea of their genetics, but how exactly? I just need someone to explain it to me. And why is it not wanted in breeding? I'm about to hatch a couple chicks from my black...
  7. ChloeSilkie08

    Breeding Paint Silkies and Their Genetics

    Hello everyone! I haven’t been on here in awhile so excuse me if I missed something, but I just got 5 paints for breeding. I have 1 rooster and 4 hens at the moment. I do not know what their lineage is but I can ask the breeder if need be. What I need to know is what will happen when I breed my...
  8. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    Polish Colour mixes

    Hi I have 2 separate Polish pens (white crested black and black crested white)but also hope to get a few other varieties and make some fun surprise mixes. What would I need to make candy corn Polish? I was told a goldlaced with cuckoo but I want to hear it from a few other people. Question...
  9. FatChicksDigMe

    Has anyone bred a serama rooster over easter egger bantam hens?

    I was wondering if anyone had the outcome of this cross (Serama roo x EE bantam hen): would the resulting female progeny lay colored eggs? I don't want to start a new breed or ever sell these crosses, just keep as a project (and probably keep it F1 generation too).
  10. ChickenGal247

    Sex-linked Olive Egger Genetics ?

    I started hatching from a cross that should be sex-linked but so far none of the chicks have hatched with the telltale white spot. I might’ve assumed all pullets, but now at 2 weeks it appears a blonde chick is developing barring. Cross is Wheaten Marans Rooster x Cream Legbar Hen. I was...
  11. SteadyAsTheyGo

    Sex Linking - White Silkie Roo x White Leghorn Hen & CLB Roo x LS Hen

    Hello everyone! Fate has dropped into my lap a couple of odd combinations!! We were told that these two combinations could potentially provide sex linked offspring, but I have struggled to find (and fully understand) information online to back this up. I would like to know more before diving...
  12. ShrekDawg

    Black chicks????

    Anybody know why I would get BLACK chicks from an Easter Egger/Lavender Orpington cross!? I know Easter Eggers, especially hatchery EEs, are not exactly reliable or predictable when it comes to genetics, but I was expecting red or at least blue or laced or something because of the parent’s...
  13. BrahmaMom1797

    Swedish Flower Hens!!

    I just got two lovely little Swedish Flower Hens And was wondering if anyone had any idea how to tell was colors chicks would grow into when the get older! SFH have so many different colors but I never see any comparison of chick to adult coloring! If anyone had any to share I’d be so grateful...
  14. rascal66

    How to make your own breed?

    Is there anything on how to make your own breed of chickens? Like, say I wanted to focus on feather traits, feather coloring, and good eggs laying capabilities. How would one even narrow it down? I also would like to think it would be a very lengthy process.
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