chicken injury

  1. TesoroSena

    Help! Chicken's toe swollen from fighting?

    Hello, recently got a new rooster and put him in with his ladies he grew up with next to another run with another roo in it. I didnt think it would be a problem, since there is a fence between them, but they constantly fought, and jumped at the chicken wire fence. My new roo jumped at it so much...
  2. Charlotteandfriends

    HELP! Polish Rooster Head Needs Help!

    Hey everyone. I have a sweet little polish rooster (Named Rod Stewart.) and he is constantly having problems with his head. The hens constantly pick at his sweet little head and i'm not sure what to do to stop it. I bought this chicken lotion that is supposed to taste bad to stop the pecking but...
  3. K

    SOS, Chicken Won't Stand/Walk

    Smidge went MIA last night when everyone else went to bed. She made her way to the coop sometime during the night, my daughter also heard a commotion coming from the coop sometime in the night. This morning Smidge was back but unable to stand/walk. She won't eat/drink either. Not sure what is...
  4. LilHitzel

    Small Crack on Chicken Beak

    My little Ginny was eating corn off of a big snack cube that my mom put in our run, and she got a small crack on the tip of her beak. Anything I can/should do?
  5. B

    Help…marks on chickens comb

    Hi, I’ve recently seen some black dots on my chicken. I’ve attached the images below. Is it fowl pox or are they pecking at eachother? Should I be concerned? They aren’t showing any behavior of being sick, but it started small and is spreading. Also another chicken has one as well, but smaller
  6. B

    Dog Attack and Treatment

    Hi, I wanted to share some information that hopefully another will find helpful if faced with a similar situation. I had one of my pullets (6 mos old) attacked by a friends dog 3 weeks ago. It was an entirely avoidable situation and I learned my lesson the hard way :( She suffered most of...
  7. L

    Please help - is it infected? Raised lump with scab on hen's leg

    Hi, looking for some help. I brought my first hens home 3 weeks ago. They're now 15 weeks old. 1 week ago I noticed one had a slightly raised bump on her leg, and developed what looks like a scab in the middle. I think it's got larger and the scab is also bigger. The bump is about 1.5cm wide...
  8. Yooniebean

    Chicken limping (possible bumblefoot?)

    Hello, today I noticed my chicken , biscuit , was limping. Took a picture and it seems to be swollen in the middle and there's a big ish hard bump too in her middle toe(??) Her other foot looks completely fine. Firsr Thoughts is that it could be bumblefoot but it looks different when I searched...
  9. lissasmomma1

    My Chicken Tender Nikes Story

    Looking at this beautiful baby chick, you would never know she was close to death!! Because she had somehow impaled her croup in the coop with two birds that maybe her parents. And for 3 days nothing she consumed stayed in her tummy due to being impaled. But using A staple in most homes, we...
  10. DatCrazyChickenLady

    Hen wouldn’t put weight on one leg- now she won’t move.

    Hi! So last week one of my hens stopped putting weight on one of her legs, and I couldn’t figure out why- there was no swelling or redness or anything. But she was in great spirits, and just got stressed out when I tried to keep her in a kennel to let her rest, so I have just been letting her be...
  11. J

    Chicken has a hole on the top of her head

    Hi, I think my rooster pulled too hard on the feathers on top of the chicken’s head and that caused the skin to come off and if I look inside I can see a hole. I’ve been cleaning it with veticiryn and applying neosporin twice a day. The piece of skin is still attached to her and I keep trying...
  12. NinjaGamer2022

    Chicken with injured vent, plucked tail, and vent gleet?

    It seems that my chickens got in a fight with one of my barred rocks (Dominique?) yesterday and they plucked it's tail and pecked at her vent. I washed it's tail and vent indirectly (I used warm water and soap and poured it one it's wounds). I brought it inside and today there is still some...
  13. Puddingtheamericana

    Chicken foot has gone limp, she can’t use it!

    i have a chicken who likes to roost and hangout in the dirt alot. although i’m starting to think it was because she couldn’t move around very much. i noticed her behind the food dispenser one wing out and one leg out, laying there, alive though. i picked her up and place into the middle of the...
  14. Puddingtheamericana

    Chicken’s leg has gone limp and she can’t walk

    i have a chicken who likes to roost and hangout in the dirt alot. although i’m starting to think it wasn’t because she loved it. i noticed her behind the food dispenser one wing out and one leg out, laying there, alive though. i picked her up and place into the middle of the coop, just kinda...
  15. D

    Advice about injured eye & healing

    So I posted about my Chicken (pulet-13 wks) a few weeks back. She had an eye injury. She was very lethargic and wouldn't eat or drink. I thought she was likely going to die but we nursed her though. She is eating and drinking normally. Her energy has retuned and her feathers looks good. Her...
  16. S

    Missing feathers on chickens back

    Hey guys ! Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my chickens? Almost all of them are missing feathers on their backs. It doesn't seem to be bothering them though. I've tried checking for mites or lice but don't see anything on them. I don't believe it's my rooster over mating as I...
  17. C

    Chicken attacked and missing skin

    Hi there, my chicken was attacked yesterday by a stray dog and the back of her neck was very badly injured. Behind her neck on the middle and right side the skin is completely gone and on the right side I can see all the way through to where I believe it is the other side of her throat/breathing...
  18. L

    Hawk attack

    so I have 14 hens and two roosters who free range. we’ve had a hawk lurking for about three months now, he’s gotten and killed two of our girls so far. Yesterday my husband saw something happening near the coop and thought the roosters were just mating or something, but upon closer look, it was...
  19. Helpmehelpmychickens

    Please help I found my hen bloodied in the coop, alive but not moving!

    Hello everyone! I am extremely new to this so I need all the help I can get. My boyfriend and I recently moved to a farm owned by my boyfriends parents. They have a coop with chickens and ducks. We have been slowly learning how to take care of them (a man who took care of the land was in charge...
  20. C

    My chicken's leg is either broken or dislocated... Help!

    Yesterday while moving the chicken tractor, one of my hens legs got caught underneath the coop and is either broken, dislocated or both. There was some blood. NO visible bone fracture. The leg is limp and completely loose from joint (dangles). I need direction on how to set it and any other...
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