chickens and ducks sharing space

  1. Duckduckgoosie

    chickens & ducks, help?

    We have a backyard flock of six chickens, three ducks and one drake. It looks like he’s starting to harass the chickens, even though we have three girls for him. I don’t have the space to keep everyone separate so does this mean I either rehome the chickens or rehome my ducks? Or I guess...
  2. My Barn Red and White Coop (Complete Build Photos)

    My Barn Red and White Coop (Complete Build Photos)

    Hello BYC community! First time chicken and duck owner and first time coop builder. I did a lot of research on Pinterest and Google before building my coop (apparently not enough, I don't know why I didn't find BYC sooner.) I think I have some good design functionality in my coop, but I'm...
  3. Fisherlmiranda

    Duck keepers who also have chickens.

    Hello my duck friends! I'm so excited, and had to find someone to chit chat with. Were adding chickens to our homestead. The chicks are arriving in the morning! Im brand new to chickens! Any problems I should be aware of with keeping chickens and ducks. I know drakes sometimes try to mount...
  4. B

    Can ducks live with chickens?

    Hello all, I am new to keeping chickens and I'm loving it. Thanks in advance for the help and my apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong section. I recently bought 10 beautiful black Australorps, about 1 year old. They have been laying about 8 eggs a day for the past couple weeks and seem...
  5. C

    Help! Coop Overload!

    Guys & gals (& everything in between)- I'm struggling over here! I'm new to the chicken (and duck) world and there is SO MUCH information out there! I am very thankful for that, but between all of my obligations I'm finding it hard to find the time to find what I need in all of it. Our babies...
  6. Bettyboop7499

    Three Dead Ducks....

    So..last Spring we bought four Pekin Ducklings and twenty other chicks to add to our farm. I could not wait for those duck eggs! Well, it turns out my husband has a nack at picking out Drakes because that's what we ended up with ALL drakes! We did end up having to cull one that became lame...
  7. rgmarch_

    Rescue Duck Breed?

    good evening, everyone! I went by my local animal shelter today to pick up a hen they had posted on Facebook, but I was too late! Someone else had already picked her up! So, the worker told me they had a duck, so I took a look at her and fell in LOVE! What kind do y’all think she is? Any advice...
  8. pax12


    Hi everyone it has been a while but I am back!! I have eggs on day 20 just starting to hatch. Here is the live stream I think over the next few hours the first one will hatch!! While we wait let’s play a game, right now it’s 9:47 pm est what time do you think...
  9. shelbylewis

    My Introduction

    Hi everyone! My name is Shelby and I am new with chickens! I got my chickens a little over a month ago and they were around 6-7 weeks when I brought them home. I got four to start with because I didn't want to overwhelm myself! They are a mix of Olive Eggers and Ameraucana Lavenders. I found out...
  10. chickenkeeperUS

    Is it okay to add a pair of ducks to a chicken flock?

    Hi there. I was thinking of getting a mated pair of ducks possibly a muscovy pair because I heard they are a quieter breed and we have neighbors on each side of our fence. So we don't want a loud duck breed. Thing is we already have about 8 hens and 1 rooster. I was wondering would it be okay to...
  11. VanessaN

    Odd happenings in the coop.

    Hi Everyone! I have some odd happenings going on in my coop. My chickens and my ducks co-run our coop. My mama duck is sitting on a nest right now which is super exciting. We candled our eggs resently and noticed that they are almost full so we know it won't be to much longer. So here are...
  12. A

    Hello Everyone!

    I'm so glad to be here!! looking forward to the wealth of knowledge I can gain from everyone. I'll introduce myself by letting you know where I live and answering the sample questions. I live in a small town in northeast Pennsylvania called Drums, on a farm that my husband and I inherited from...
  13. Soon2BChixMom

    Ducks and chickens sharing run, but different housing.

    If you have ducks and chickens who share living spaces, can I see pics? How much run space does each species need? I have a 16' x 16' run space allotted for my 4 chickens and 4 ducks which is 256 sq ft. The chicken coop is raised up, so they can use all of the space under it. It is 4.5x3.5...
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