chickens and pigs

  1. TwistyTW

    Can Pigs and Chickens live together?

    I’ve recently had the idea to raise a couple of pigs. As I already have a space for my chickens that’s closed off and warm, I was thinking of letting them in the same area. After doing a bit of research I’m getting a lot of mixed answers on whether or not it’s safe, so ideas and input are...
  2. Leslie Crawford

    Exclusive holiday promo: 25% off chicken kids' book, "Gwen the Rescue Hen"

    For the BackYard Chicken community, Stone Pier Press is offering my kids' chicken books, "Gwen the Rescue Hen" and, "Sprig the Rescue Pig," at 25% off the original price. These funny, uplifting, and beautifully illustrated animal rescue books make wonderful gifts for kids, ages 3-8. Go to Stone...
  3. Ouwendyker

    Raising Pigs with Chickens

    Not exactly sure where to post this so I guess I will post it here! I’m currently looking into buying 2 piglets. I plan on having them in a rotational “grazing” system(moving them everyday). If I put chickens with them from the start is it possible they will bond with the chickens? I know that...
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