
  1. C

    My First Flock!

    Hi all! I am picking up my first flock of chicks on April 16th! I ordered 10 chicks - see below: 2 x Red Sex Link 2 x Barred Plymouth Rock 1 x Columbian Rock X 1 x Black Sex Link 1 x Noirans 1 x Leghorn 1 x Azure Blue 1 x Olive All are coming from Frey's Hatcheries. We wanted to do...
  2. Mrsmalexander8

    When can my child participate in culling?

    we are first year chicken owners and will be culling and eating the extra cockerels. it is important to us that our children know where food comes from, but we don’t want to do something they may not be ready for by allowing them to participate in the process. I did not grow up in a family...
  3. D

    When can chicks regulate their temperature and is that when they can move outside?

    When can chicks regulate their body temperature?
  4. Pandang81

    Light Brahma rooster and kids…

    Hi all, Does anyone have experience with Light Brahma roosters and kids that they can share? I’d like to know how well they can get along with kids if they are raised with them. I have heard Brahma roosters tend to be gentle and people friendly but I‘m wondering how often they are well behaved...
  5. B

    Hello, my name is Brian.

    I have a mixed flock that's currently chickens and turkeys. We have also had ducks in the past. The birds mostly are managed by my 9 year old.
  6. psycache

    Advice on breeds please. Raising chicks for the first time in Utah!

    EDITED based on a summary of advices so far, so hard to narrow down (aim for 6 pullets, and 4 hens eventually): 1x Speckled Sussex 1x Delaware 1x Mottled Java 1x Barred Rock 1x Silver Lakenvelder 1x Black Australorp 1x Blue Copper Maran 1x Dominque So I have taken care of chickens before, both...
  7. M

    New Here

    Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I had chickens a few years ago and then we moved and things were uncertain so now we are about to get more chicks. Our little guy will be so excited to meet them. Do you all have any advice on introducing children to the baby chicks and...
  8. ARM5078

    Keeping Chickens Away From Child's Play Area

    We are in the process of building a coop for 6 chickens. We plan to let them free range much of the day in our large fenced (split rail) yard. It was brought to my attention that the chickens may want to spend a bunch of time in my daughter's play area and will poop all over it. Is there...
  9. JessOlson0830

    To Rooster or not to Rooster?

    Hi :frow I'm relatively new to chicken raising and have a few questions. I'll apologize in advance if they are redundant= SORRY! I've tried searching the threads here and on Google but can't seem to find a consistent answer. We got 6 hens last fall and allowed them to free range. Something...
  10. jbpete412

    New Rooster Agression

    A week ago we adopted a 1-yr old buff orp rooster who had to move due to zoning restrictions. According to his previous owners (whose opinion I trust), he has always been very friendly towards humans. However, since he has been here he has been showing aggression... striking my boots with his...
  11. RLynn

    Difficulties of Chickens and a Family

    So I have been wanting to get chickens for as long as I can remember, way before BackYardChickens became trendy. My husband is 50/50 on them. We realize the obvious pros and cons to having them. Our predicament is I want to start building a coop now and possibly get chicks this year or next...
  12. cluckmecoop7

    Black Australorp chicken

    The black Australorp is a very friendly breed of chicken and is good with children....all people really. It is a quieter breed and is great for a place with a big neighborhood. Buuuut, I'm not sure about roosters, I think THEY are still loud. Any questions about Black Australorps? Please ask...
  13. ejtrout31

    i need help with my book

    hi i am looking for inspiration for my next children's book. Any topics would e great and an illustrator. i want to write this book for my nephews and niece. i have 1 niece and 4 nephews from the age 1 to 5. my family is christian and chicken, duck, and cattle farmers. I am thinking doing real...
  14. 50-45-1


    I wanted to share an older story about my daughter who was 10 at the time. It was a small article in the online version of Traverse Magazine. She is 16 now, and would kill me if she knew i was doing this. 2...
  15. Doobly

    Neighbours Kids Won't Leave Our Ducks Alone!

    I'm honestly getting quite upset about this now. The neighbours kids and the 20 odd local kids who also hang out in their garden have constantly in the 5 years we've been there and they've been big enough to climb things been hanging literally over our fence at our ducks. We have moved them...
  16. aringisthething

    Thoughts on publishing children's book about pet chicken

    Growing up on a small dairy farm, I was in charge of our Rhode Island Reds, and one of the flock's beauties became my pet, whom I named "Cluck-Cluck" - I know, not the most creative! She and I were the best of friends, and my five siblings and I used to play dress up with her. My mother even let...
  17. tupperval

    New to Raising Chickens!

    We moved from town to the family farm a year ago. One of the things we wanted to do is raise a few chickens. Besides the tremendous benefit of a few fresh eggs, we have a terrible problem with ticks in our area. In fact, I spent most of the last summer (with Lyme's disease). In fact, a few...
  18. Mountainwalker

    Rooster attacked and injured my 3 year old

    Hello I have australorp hens which we raised since they were chicks and an australorp rooster, the rooster we got when he was already adult(about a year old) and he recently attacked my 3 year old boy and scratched his face, very close to the eye. I am ready to put him down but since we only...
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